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Messages - Thomas Bock

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Programming / strange error 11 with KEC
« on: February 20, 2020, 10:02:52 AM »
Today we received an error 11 with the KEC function two times. *ufac reported no errors and after these two crashes everthing worked fine again.
The code below shows what the program basically does. Does someone has an idea what causes this?

Code: [Select]
KEYED "demofile",["PLAN":1:1:24]+[2:1:2]+[3:1:10],["QSKRITERIUM":3:1:10]+[1:1:24]+[2:1:2],["WERKZEUG":20:1:7:"+U"],0,-640,BSZ=3,OPT="X0",SEP=$8A$
open (1)"demofile"
rec.qplan_nr$ = "123"
rec.qsk_nr$ = "987"
for i = 1 to 10
      rec.sequenz$ = str(i:"00")
      write record (1, dom = *next) rec$
      if not(tcb(2)) {
            print kec(1,kno="WERKZEUG"); ! <--- error 11

Programming / Re: Composite string questions
« on: February 11, 2020, 05:53:22 AM »

I'm not sure what you mean.
As long as you use call-by-reference the iolist will be accessible inside a called module:

Code: [Select]
dim structure$ : iolist product$, version$
structure.product$ = "PxPlus"
structure.version$ = "16.2"
call pgn + ";ENTRYPOINT", structure$
enter composite$
print composite.product$
print composite.version$

Nomads / Re: Grids
« on: January 22, 2020, 01:54:22 AM »
There are 3 ways to define the number of columns.

  • On the presets tab assign the number of columns to the property "columnswide".
  • On the presets tab just define the column headers. Nomads counts the headers itself.
  • In the program logic do a grid.ctl'columnswide=numberOfRequestedColumns

Wish List / Re: passing parameters to a panel
« on: January 20, 2020, 02:50:16 AM »

Sometimes my tunnel vision hides the most obvious solution.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Wish List / passing parameters to a panel
« on: January 17, 2020, 10:15:03 AM »
For a dynamic panel invocation it would be very useful to pass the parameters in form of a data structure.

--- suggestion #1 ---
params$["ARG_1"] = "A"
params$["ARG_2"] = "B"
params$["ARG_3"] = "C"
process panel$, lib$, params$[all]

--- suggestion #2 ---
params$ += "ARG_1=A" + sep
params$ += "ARG_2=B" + sep
params$ += "ARG_3=C" + sep
process panel$, lib$, params$

Wish List / *dict/dd_updt
« on: January 14, 2020, 06:58:20 AM »
Currently "*dict/dd_updt;UPDATE_PHYSICAL" locks a file just for analyzing.
We think it is better to lock a file only in case of a required conversion.

Programming / Re: strange errors 15 with [mysql] connection
« on: January 08, 2020, 02:08:16 AM »
Hi Don

At that time we did some experiments with the Database Conversion Utility. This tool maintains a prefix file.
Take a look at the prefix directive format #4. It enables your programs to work with a SQL-table without changing your existing program code.

Wish List / paste text only with AutoSpellCheck=YES
« on: December 17, 2019, 10:28:45 AM »
Pasting texts into a multilined multiline control keeps the source font, though that control doesn't support multiple fonts.
This will confuse users, because after saving and re-reading that data the font is gone.
We would like to have a text only paste operation together with AutoSpellCheck = YES.

Programming / using XChange online 365
« on: December 04, 2019, 09:38:40 AM »
Currently we use def object ol,"Outlook.Application" for creating and sending mails. That works pretty good.
Now a customer wants to use XChange online 365. There is no OCX any more.

Does someone know how to use that service with PxPlus?

Programming / Re: add counter bubble to button image
« on: December 02, 2019, 10:59:59 AM »
I'm trying to draw that bubble myself.
Code: [Select]
x = 20
y = 10
w = 10
h = 1
btn = 1000
button remove btn,err = *next
button btn,@(x, y, w, h) = "Text", opt = "f"
info$ = obj(btn)
left  = @x(dec($00$ + mid(info$, 5, 2)))
top   = @y(dec($00$ + mid(info$, 7, 2)))
width = @x(dec($00$ + mid(info$, 9, 2)))
x = left + width
y = top
print (0) 'pen'(1, 1, 1), 'fill'(1, 1),
print (0) 'circle'(x, y, 17),
read data from fin(0, "STDFONT"), sep = "," to fontName$, FontSize
print (0) 'white','font'(FontName$, FontSize * .75),
print (0) 'text'(x, y-12, "99", "C"),
Thought it is drawn beneath the button, the calculation of its position looks good.
The calculation fails as soon as I use that code in a panel. The button is located in a title bar layout.
What am I missing?

Programming / add counter bubble to button image
« on: November 29, 2019, 06:17:52 AM »
We want to display the number of new items in the way mobile devices to it.
Is there a way to add a "counter bubble" to a button image?

Wish List / visible property for *browser
« on: November 04, 2019, 07:23:23 AM »
The browser control seems to issue a "look at me" event on each change. Windows puts a yellow background on the task button or brings the container window to top.
We do col=0 and width=0, because there is no visibility porperty. This fires such an event. The same thing happens after loading a web page has taken some time.

We'd like to use a *browser'visible=0 in order to prevent such events.

Wish List / Re: Tool on license use
« on: October 31, 2019, 03:39:34 AM »
That's great! Now we have a way to add application indormation to the process data.
I would like to retrieve that information for our own process list. I looked at TCB() and I tried GET_STATE but no luck.
Is there a way?

Language / Re: Correcting missing key
« on: October 25, 2019, 01:45:22 AM »
A year ago we had similar problems with PxPlus V12.
Out of the sudden key #1 of a file became constantly corrupted on different customer systems. Repairing the file fixed the issue for less than 48h quite often.
We decided to eliminate that key, which has been there for many many years, at the price of poor performance.
Nobody could ever analyze the reason for that phenomenon.

Tips and Techniques / Re: Creating a log file to trap system failures
« on: October 24, 2019, 03:20:12 AM »
Yes, I pasted Frank's sample.
Meanwhile I tried the log file on the windx side. It seems to work, though I cannot force a GPF.
Code: [Select]
logFileName$ = "C:\Users\bock\AppData\Local\Temp\WindXLog.txt"
serial "[WDX]" + logFileName$
cmd$ = "setdev (0) set " + quo + "Logfile" + quo + " to " + quo + logFileName$ + quo
execute "[WDX]" + cmd$
,cmd$ = "open (gfn) " + quo + logFileName$ + quo
execute "[WDX]" + cmd$
cmd$ = "setdev (lfo) set " + quo + "DeleteOnClose" + quo + " to " + quo + "Yes" + quo
execute "[WDX]" + cmd$

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