How to remove a file from an FTP server using Curl

Started by Mike Hatfield, June 05, 2019, 08:34:11 PM

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Mike Hatfield

Hi All,

We have written our code to access a Magento FTP Server using CURL to download orders from a folder in json format.
To avoid processing the same orders I need to remove the file from the Magento FTP server as we process it.
That remove command structure is eluding me.
Has anyone removed a file from an FTP Server?
Mike H

Devon Austen

cURL doesn't support FTP delete directly but it does allow you to execute FTP commands manually. To delete you can send a FTP delete command manually using cuRL.

-Q -DELE /path/to/filetodelete
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Mike Hatfield

Hi Devon,

I tried your suggestion

F:\HIT\TEMP\FTPFILES>curl -k --ssl -Q -DELE --user

This is what came back

curl: (21) QUOT string not accepted: DELE

21 FTP quote error. A quote command returned error from the server.
Mike H

Devon Austen

I missed the quotes and the URL and the delete command are separate. Try this:

curl -k -ssl --user -Q "-DELE filename.txt"
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Mike Hatfield

Hi Devon,

I thought it was going to work but sadly not....
The CURL command seems to be accepted but it just hangs and eventually it times out

curl -k --ssl --user -Q " -DELE filename.txt"

curl: (28) Timeout was reached

I don't think its the directory (0755) file permissions (0744) because curl didn't complain
Mike H

Devon Austen

Our FTP utility uses a command like that to do deletes so as far as I known it should work.

Maybe try getting rid of the space before the -DELE
Maybe try moving the path from the server URL to in front of the filename

If those suggestions don't work you may want to try curl support as this is now strictly a curl question.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Mike Hatfield

Removing the space certainly made a difference.
It now produces a directory listing on the command window but doesn't delete anything.
That's because the ftp url ends with /Texts/ which generates a listing.
So it seems the -Q onwards was ignored.
As you say, time to consult with curl support.
Thanks for trying.
Mike H

Mike Hatfield

This worked!
-O or -o is needed depending on whether you want to download to other than the current folder

curl -k -ssl --user -o \hit\somefolder\Magento\Orders\filename.txt -Q "-DELE filename.txt"

I had to be patient though.
It appeared the file wasn't deleting whilst monitoring the ftp server with Filezilla.
It just takes a while to refresh.

Mike H


I recently ran into a hosted ftp curl delete issue and the answer was to put a ./ before the filepath.