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Messages - Ken Sproul

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Thanks Keith and Devon.  I thought at least the end clause was evaluated each time.  This is actually good news, because I was trying to avoid complex expressions in the end clause for performance reasons, but since it's only evaluated once, I don't have to worry about that.

Is an expression used in the end clause of a select / next record loop evaluated at every iteration?

Programming / Re: hidden windows suddenly become visible
« on: May 24, 2019, 01:41:59 PM »
They are truly hidden 'show'(-1).

Programming / hidden windows suddenly become visible
« on: May 23, 2019, 04:29:09 PM »
Has anyone experienced hidden windows suddenly becoming visible?

This just started happening at one of our client sites.  They are running PxPlus v11.65 on a windows server and Windows 10 on the client side.  A pxplus program will be running and after some time of not doing anything, the desktop will flicker and the hidden base window and a hidden menu window will suddenly be visible.  This particular user has a laptop with two external monitors and the windows are all on one of the external monitors.

I'm wondering if it's a recent update to Windows or an anti-virus program triggering this.  Any ideas?

Thanks for the explanation and the ideas.  I ended up creating the following function:

def fn_mask_commas$(local x$)
x$=stp(x$,3,","); local s=msk(x$,"##*0*"),e=s+msl-3,p
if s<e then for p=e to s step -3; x$=x$(1,p-1)+","+x$(p); next p
return x$
end def

Ahh, the text search is always from left to right and the occurrence is simply counting left to right or right to left.  This is different from the way the pos() function operates so it would be helpful to note this in the reference manual.  It would be nice to have a form of the sub() function that scans the text from right to left.

I'm not sure the sub() function is working correctly with a negative occurrence argument.  Tried it in versions 12.50 and 15.10.


Shouldn't it return this?

Out of curiosity I tried this which works:

But this didn't:

I would have expected ###0.000.

Is there an explanation or is this a bug?

Web Services / Re: *web/email not working with PxPlus Webserver
« on: April 25, 2019, 08:09:03 AM »
The exact same *web/email call works outside of the webserver process.  This exact same code is executed in another background process with no issue. It has something to do with the webserver background environment, just not sure what that could be.  If *web/mail works, *web/email should also work.  It would be nice to know what it is doing differently that would cause the error 0.

Web Services / Re: *web/email not working with PxPlus Webserver
« on: April 19, 2019, 06:15:27 PM »
In this case it is not PxPlus 2016.  We actually have another background process on the same server executing the same code that the webserver process is executing and the *web/email call works perfectly in that process.  So it's something different about the webserver process that I cannot figure out.  I'm passing all the same values in the *web/mail call for the equivalent arguments of the *web/email call.  I'm not passing any timeout value to *web/email and it's taking the full 60 seconds to fail based on the time stamps of the logging that we're doing.

This really is perplexing because it's a very simple text/html email with the server address, port 25 specified, from address, reply address same as from, one to address, a subject, and a very short message.  No authentication, ssl, cc addresses, bcc addresses, or attachments.

Web Services / *web/email not working with PxPlus Webserver
« on: April 18, 2019, 12:38:29 PM »
I have a PxPlus Webserver background process with a web request program that uses *web/email to send emails from the server.  If I substitute it with *web/mail, the email is sent with no problem.

The message I'm getting from *web/email is:
Sending to SMTP Server Failed: (0): Connect to SMTP Server: unc-address;25 timed out. (0/115).

So why is *web/email having this problem and *web/mail is not?  Any help will be appreciated.

Programming / Re: Listing a program to a channel
« on: February 05, 2019, 03:02:59 PM »
I solved the problem by creating a command program to "print" the program in memory to a specified file channel.

For example, copy and paste the program below into command mode and save it as *cmd/l2c (list to channel).  Now you can open a file or device to a channel and enter l2c followed by the channel # and it will list the program in memory to that file without splitting the lines.

0010 ! *cmd/l2c - list to channel
0020 enter c$,err=USAGE
0030 c=num(c$,err=USAGE),m=65000,l=tcb(12)-1
0040 x$=lst(pgm(++x,l)),x=num(x$(1,pos(" ?":x$)-1)); if x<m then print (c,err=USAGE)x$; goto *same
0050 exit
0060 USAGE:
0070 print "Usage: l2c channel",'LF',"channel: the channel # to output to"
0080 exit

Language / Re: Error 41 with list_box find due to negative index ...
« on: September 14, 2018, 09:20:17 PM »
I was able to work around the issue by adding 65536 to the negative index.  If this is a PxPlus limit, it may be time to increase it before we exceed 65536 elements in the tree view.

Language / Error 41 with list_box find due to negative index ...
« on: September 14, 2018, 08:44:11 PM »
A tree view list box has a large number of elements.  The list_box read is returning a negative index that results in an error 41 when used with list_box find to look at elements above and below the current index.  The item property doesn't error with the negative value, but accessing the itemtext$ property afterwards reslults in an error 11.

I coudn't find any index limits in the language reference, but it seems to be limited to something in the 32k range.  Has anyone run into this and found a workaround?  Is it a PxPlus or windows limit?

Language / Re: 12.50 PxPlus on Server Changes to 12.51???
« on: August 15, 2018, 02:16:46 PM »
Thanks for the information on where to change the version check.  We noticed the version change a while ago and didn't pursue it since it seemed harmless.  We installed 12.50 and without doing anything it somehow changed itself to 12.51.  To our knowledge there is no automatic update enabled.  Is this even possible for the server?  I thought the automatic update was only for windx.

Language / 12.50 PxPlus on Server Changes to 12.51???
« on: August 15, 2018, 11:21:23 AM »
So we have PxPlus 12.50 installed on the server with matching windx on the clients.  After some time goes by, the server reports version 12.51, but since windx still reports 12.50, nomads won't run.  We haven't installed 12.51.  Any idea how this version mismatch is happening?

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