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Topics - Stéphane Devouard

Wish List / Git interface
September 25, 2024, 04:55:25 AM
Hi all

martinp is currently experimenting with SVN (Subversion) for his versionning / change management needs

The standard for versionning nowadays has become git (either for open-source projects with Github, or more closed-source projects with Gitlabs and other similar services)

Are there any plans for an interface between PxPlus and git ?
Not that I need it personally, but that would be another selling point for the environment for young bloods who are taught git these days
An implementation with the VScode extension would be cool, as VSCode already integrates it seamlessly in its UI

Programming / PxPlus 2023 Projects
May 25, 2023, 06:10:43 AM
Up until PxPlus 2022, projects metadata were stored in KEYED files *plus/proj/wkids.dat and *plus/proj/wkseq.dat
A change had been made in recent years to allow those files to be LINK files pointing to another location to be able to retrieve projects when upgrading PxPlus
I understand PxPlus 2023 changed this to a more traditional way with a folder and a dedicated settings file (like package.json for NodeJS projects and composer.json for PHP projects)
This is great. But apparently it means that I have to re-create all the projects I had set up (not so many fortunately), since I copied the two LINK files from my pxp2022/lib/_plus/proj folder to the same location in my pxp2023 installation, and no automatic migration happened, I have only the "default" project in the IDE.
Again, not a big issue, just something that would be useful -- either an automatic process first time the project maintenance is opened, or an additional option to run once in the utility that was previously used to create the LINK files
My 0.02 €
My boss found the issues in the attached image while doing some code

I've tried some variations with parentheses to transform variables into values but still getting the error 20
Language / *obj/xml issue
October 11, 2022, 03:59:41 AM

There is a minor issue in *obj/xml with the find_node() method

-}? x'find_node(xpath$)'value$

I can work around by sending the parameter by value with parentheses or as an expression such as xpath$+""

But I think it should be handled in the method itself by protecting the _tag$ input parameter

Programming / Addressing an object
September 28, 2022, 10:46:08 AM

This code returns an error 29 on line 581

0580 IF XL[J]=0 THEN XL[J]=NEW("*obj/xml")
0581 XLIG=XL[J]'ADD_NODE("ligne")

I told the boss to change it to :

0580 if xl[j]=0 xd=new("*obj/xml"); xl[j]=xd else xd=xl[j]
0581 xlig=xd'add_node("ligne")

And it worked

Looks like this type of syntax
While valid, is not supported by the parser or compiler

That being said, we are on a V16 with V15 license, maybe it has been fixed in a more recent version ?

Language / *plus/Web/request and redirections
May 19, 2022, 08:58:39 AM
I just noticed an issue with *plus/web/request

An home page I am trying to get has the following pattern :

I was doing a GET with the utility to the domain as it is stored in the configuration files, ie

The request returns a 301 status with a
Location: somescript.php?pg=somepage HTTP header

So *plus/web/request follows it, but instead of trying :

It tries :

Which obviously fails and returns a "Cannot contact host server" error
I have worked around the issue by requesting the whole home page URL in the first place instead of just the domain name URL

You may however want to enhance the redirection following logic in a future version
Wish List / IDE settings by projects
May 10, 2022, 02:50:04 AM

It would be useful if the various IDE tools settings (*IT, Nomads, etc...) were saved on a project by project basis
This way you could have the project for the old legacy apps using some color scheme and all-lower caps
And the project for the newer web apps using a different colors scheme and mixed-case (for example)

Webster Plus / Cannot access demo site
May 02, 2022, 08:56:33 AM
I'm trying to access the Webster+ demo site
I enter my email address on the testdrive page
I clicked on the link in the email received, and get to a page with a red box saying
Unable to detect demo site redirection cookie on your brower

Thanks for any help
Wish List / Updated PxBasic
April 07, 2022, 02:49:18 AM

Since the SD license is phased out this year, how about an updated PxBasic -- maybe not to V19 which is about to be released, but to V18 ?

Language / [Pxpprg] / [Pvxprg] program file header
January 05, 2022, 08:55:09 AM

Best wishes for 2022 to all

I cannot remember if there is any system parameter that would prevent PxBasic V10 to overwrite the [Pvxprg] header (as created by Sage PVX v9.10) with [Pxpprg]
This way I could use PxBasic's *IT editor to do some coding in the old app I have to maintain and programs would still be readable & executable by ProvideX

Nomads / Key names size limit
September 16, 2021, 08:35:26 AM

I haven't found any mention of a limitation in size for a key name

Yet, the key definition dialog in the DD maintenance tool imposes a 24-char size limit to the key name entered.

Having got some training in SQL, I know that in most DB systems, primary key constraints & index names must be unique throughout a database, so I now name primary keys as 'PK_<table name>', alternate indexes as 'IX_<table name>_<sorting>' -- not to mention table names often start with a 2-4 prefix representing the sub-application module ;-)

So... Is the 24 char limit by design or are keynames allowed to be larger ?

Nomads / Query auto-tab
August 18, 2021, 05:11:28 AM

Unless I missed something or the current documentation is not complete :
There is no %NOMADS property that would enforce the auto-tab value in the query headers throughout the system ?

Is that something that could be considered for a future update ?

Nomads / FM generator issues
August 01, 2021, 11:42:40 AM
Here are a couple of issues I found while using the FM generation wizard :

1) Inserting a dot in the FM panel name
If I name the panel with a dot (e.g., I cannot re-open the FM wizard after the first generation of the panel. From the Nomads selector I get a message telling me to delete and regenerate the panel. From *it, I can open the library then edit the generated panel.
If I name the panel with an underscore (e.g. company_fm) then everything works as expected.
Looking at the Nomads code, this is due to the way the folder tabs are generated.
So I would simply suggest to add a check on the presence of a dot (.) in the name when creating a new FM object

2) Defining a primary key segment with a format specifier

If one of the primary key segments in the data dictionary is defined as "Last Substring" (for example), then I cannot complete the FM wizard
I am getting a message saying that some of the required fields are missing on the screen layout.
This is because the :[...] format specifier adds an extra comma to the IOLIST and screws up the test @ 1446 in fm_wizard

Thin Client/WindX / File links (.pxplus and .windx)
December 12, 2020, 02:51:39 AM
Hey, it's me again...

Testing the .pxplus and .windx links extension

I have installed the WindX Plugin 2019 (pxp1620-0000-WPI.exe) on a Win10 VM to its default directory "C:\PVX Plus Technologies\Windx Plugin 2019 Upd 2"
I checked the .windx extension settings, which were pointing to the above directory

I then installed the WindX Plugin 2020 32-bits (pxp1710-0000-WPI.exe) to its default directory "C:\PVX Plus Technologies\Windx Plugin 2020 Upd 1"
In the registry, the .windx extension settings are still pointing to the WindX 2019 directory

Did I miss something or is there an issue with the installer ?

Programming / SVN hooks issue after PxPlus update
December 09, 2020, 01:13:48 PM

When I set up SVN, I had PxPlus 17.00 installed on my laptop

This afternoon, I overwrote my 17.00 copy with the 17.10 zip
From that point, the SVN update started to fail when opening a program in *IT, telling me there was an issue in the post-update hook.

I checked the two batch scripts and the path to PxPlus was C:\pvxsrc instead of my installation directory.

I'd suggest these batch scripts to be removed from the installation packages — or at least from the ZIP file

Thanks in advance
Wish List / WindX Plug-in silent install
December 09, 2020, 12:50:56 PM
Please allow the WindX Plug-in installer program to retrieve a custom installation directory from the command-line when run silently

See the following thread for more details :

Language / MySQL on Linux
December 01, 2020, 06:29:13 AM
Hi all

On Windows, I have to put the libmysql.dll library file in the PxPlus folder to be able to use the [mysql] tag to access a MySQL database

On Linux, I did a copy of in the pxplus directory, but I keep on getting an error 15 when opening a channel to MySQL
I did a chown, chgrp to my user & group and a chmod 777 on the file to make sure it wasn't a permissions issue, did not work either
Also tried adding the PxPlus directory to the PATH variable and exported it before starting pxplus, no more success

PxPlus-2020 Web (Ver:17.10/UNIX-Linux-Ubuntu) Serno:1710-664-2130620
(c) Copyright 2005-2020 PVX Plus Technologies Ltd. (All rights reserved)
->? env("PATH")
Error #15: Operating system command failed
Unable to load (err/ret=2/2)

total 43144
-rw-------  1 steph steph   223687 avril 24  2020 ca-bundle.crt
drwxrwxr-x 36 steph steph    12288 nov.  30 10:25 lib
-rw-r--r--  1 steph steph  3167132 sept. 23 01:29 libhpls.a
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph  1914200 sept. 23 01:29
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph   336072 déc.   1 11:59
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph  2908920 sept. 23 01:33
-rw-rw-rw-  1 steph steph       44 nov.  30 10:25 lic_approval.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 steph steph    12865 sept. 23 01:33 licenses_3rdparty.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 steph steph    10074 sept. 23 01:33 license.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 steph steph     1347 sept. 23 01:33 magic
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph   670184 sept. 23 01:31
-rw-rw-r--  1 steph steph 31469184 nov.  30 10:18 pxp1710-0000-U20-64.taz
-rw-r--r--  1 steph steph       11 sept. 23 01:33 pxp_build
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph  2558632 sept. 23 01:32 pxplus
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph    36672 sept. 23 01:33 pxpreg
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph   804456 sept. 23 01:31 pxserver
-rw-------  1 steph steph     1404 sept. 23 01:31 pxserver.conf
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph      461 sept. 23 01:33 runconfig
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph      584 sept. 23 01:33 runserver
-rwxr-xr-x  1 steph steph     1154 sept. 23 01:33 stopserver

What else am I missing ?

Hi all

Testing the thin-client systems for a client and it's been a while, so I'd like to be sure I'm not mistaken

The PxPlus WindX auto-download / synchronization of images, files and programs happens in the *start.up & *plus/start_up initialization procedure

When connecting to a Simple Client Server host, at the moment the start_up stuff executes, the line_switch has been done, TCB(88) is set and therefore the auto-sync happens
When connecting to an Application Server host, this is not the case, TCB(88) is not set when the start_up procedure executes, and no auto-sync happens at all

Am I missing something ?

This is on PxPlus 2020 (V17.10, 64 bits on W10) using a Software Development license

Thanks for any insight
In PHP you can create and initialize an array with :
$myArray = [ "item", "another item", "a third item"];

You can also pass either an indexed or associative anonymous array to a function using :
  "key1" => "value 1",
  "key2" => "value 2"

Almost same in C# :
string[] myArray = { "value", "another value" }; // declaring and initializing an array
myFunction(new[] {10, 20, 30}); // passing an anonymous array to a function

In Javascript you can create a simple object (and manipulate it with a syntax which is basically that of an associative array)
let options = {
  url: "server:port/path/to/resource",
  timeout: 5000,
  mailFrom: "",
  mailTo: "",
  message: "Hello there"
}); // passing an anonymous object

Almost the same in C#
myFunction(new { TextProperty = "Some Value", NumProperty = 100 });

In summary :

You do not always need to declare a variable -- you can already pass literal string or number values to a subroutine or method in PxPlus.

It would be great if it was possible to do it with other data structures such as arrays, associative arrays and objects -- the latter could be wiped out when not needed anymore using the "FOR OBJECT/PROGRAM/..." housekeeping clauses
I have been programming in ProvideX for Windows since 1998 after 10 years with TBred on SCO and AIX
I was instrumental in migrating my first employer's apps from CHUI to GUI, then migrating Explorer Software's WindX-only based ERP to the web using iNomads

I have re-skilled myself in mainstream web development and am also proficient in PHP 7, Javascript/jQuery, Java, C#, VB.Net, Android mobile development, MySQL, Postgres, MS SQL Server and MongoDB databases, and various frameworks (PHP Symfony 4, Microsoft .Net ASP MVC5 & Winforms, IONIC 4 for hybrid mobile apps, Express for NodeJS)

You can read more about me and my work with ProvideX and PxPlus on my resume and professional websites

I am looking for any type of work related to the topics above :

  • PxPlus training and consulting
  • Legacy applications conversion to Nomads & iNomads GUI
  • Legacy applications migration to SQL back-end databases
  • Web applications and Web services
  • Desktop applications
If you know of anyone who would be interested or are interested yourself, please contact me by private message here, or via email, or via my LinkedIn account.
