*browser and reCAPTCHA

Started by bteixeira, October 21, 2020, 02:22:57 PM

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I'm getting mixed results trying to navigate to sites with a reCAPTCHA using *browser.  I think it might be version based.  I have a client running v14 and the reCAPTCHA won't load but in my office on v16 it does.  Captchas have been around for ages so I'm a little surprised that an older version of *browser wouldn't be able to handle it.  Are you aware of anything that may have changed between versions that would allow reCAPTCHA to start working?  Is there a minimum version for this or a setting to turn on so the old version will display properly?

Devon Austen

The main difference is the version of Chrome not much else has changed. It is possible that the version of reCAPTCHA being used doesn't support older chrome versions.

One thing that did change that MAY have an effect is in PxPlus 2017 Update 1 (v14.10) Control over incognito mode was added with the 'BI' system parameter. Before that incognito mode was the only option, meaning *browser didn't store or cache anything. I doubt reCaptcha would not work in incognito but it is a thought. Although the default for 'BI' is on meaning the default in v16 is incognito so that is not likely to be it unless you have the parameter set off in your v16.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.