User Override

Started by JimGwynn, February 06, 2020, 05:04:26 PM

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Anyone know why users would get the following message when using ssh to connect via the WindX Client?

Pop up titled: User Override
Message says Userid has been overriden By session 'server-name'

Mike King

Likely you have a user id specified in your PUTTY configuration.

If so, the system will use the PUTTY setting and not the setting you have specified.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting


Thanks Mike
Yes I had a putty session that was setup using an SSH private key. Deleting that session worked.



For anyone else experiencing this:
What I actually found was if I create a saved session in Putty that is named the same as the server hostname this will happen.
Creating a saved session with a name other then the server host name allows me to have both a putty connection and a WindX SSH connection

Mike King

Just an FYI...

We use PLINK to handle the actual connection to the host.  This allows us to not only provide the ability to use a userid and password based sign on, but also if you specify a PUTTY 'Saved' connection you can connect using private keys.

Basically we take the server name and look it us as a PUTTY saved session.  If found we use that sessions setting to make the connection.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting