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Messages - martinp

If using ED+  and have 2 programs loaded with tabs, is it normal that it always goes back to top of the program when switching tabs? 

*IT worked fine through windx,

PS.  I just tested a local windows PVXPLUS and it holds the position as expected... Is this an ED+ bug through windx?  Latest pvxplus 21 on Linux!


Ok thanks!
With the newest pvxplus 21.00 I'm noticing certain panels when processed from within other panels do not retain the default background (library defaults) and return to white.  I can send you a test scenario, just want to know if this isn't already known.
Thanks, I did not get it, I got another one today from another ticket.  #512072, so that email is working so perhaps I entered wrong email on the first ticket? 
Language / Re: SVN Linux?
September 24, 2024, 05:07:01 PM
Thanks Jane and Mike, I think the picture is becoming clearer :)  Appreciate it..  I am moving from my old ways of doing things and just getting this all setup!
Language / Re: SVN Linux?
September 21, 2024, 02:23:30 PM
Can't get this to work... Who can I contact? :)

Am I only one using a Linux PVX server anymore?

I am confused in regards to:  Do I actually use the "SVN SETUP" commands through providex?  Am I suppose to ignore all that and just install subversion manually and use the shell to do this..  Reason I am so confused is why would the SVN SETUP commands even be offered if it's not intended to be used this way.

Am I suppose to be running a local Windows PVX version to do my development on the linux server?  Ive used WindX for 20+ years this way, so just trying to understand the expectations of this.
Hi did you get my ticket?   I never received an auto ticket response like in past or I did something wrong.  If not I will try again thanks
I've reproduced this issue it seems to be with a large number or records > 5000 for example.  I will create a ticket for you.  Thank you.

EDIT:  I sent the ticket but I didn't receive a confirmation email on ticket creation let me know if I have to re-create.  Thanks
I've traced ARG_1$ is reverted back after *winlist;wrapup" in *plus/inomads/in_qry2

 call "*plus/winutl/winqry;Set_iNomads_Query_Persistence",QRYOPTS
 if _DUMPFILE then gosub RELOAD_DUMP; perform "*winlist;wrapup"
 drop object QRYOPTS
 print 'option'("Invalid_bmp",_sv_bmp$),
 if ctl=-1999 or ctl=close_btn.ctl then let %nomad_qry_abort=2
 if iswindows then print 'cursor'(0),
New Query acting strange..

Hope this picture is clear.

It's only occurring on some file queries as well...
Nomads / Re: Maintenance Generation Error #26
September 16, 2024, 05:34:28 PM
Also, It's very slow in a remote windx session of nomads instead of a LAN when it gets to the Grid section.  it takes about 90 seconds for it to respond when it first arrives at section #6, then its responsive, but when you click Next it takes another 90 seconds.  So some inefficient grid logic I believe.

I can use it on a remote desktop LAN though
Nomads / Re: Maintenance Generation Error #26
September 16, 2024, 04:31:03 PM

I think the reason is my iolist is in Lower case, but the program is trying to replace upper case, i changed to lower case no more error.

0008 let elements$=sub(elements$,"IOLIST ","")
0009 let elements$=stp(elements$,"R",",")+"," ! ensure a trailing comma

The program may need a mod to check for both upper/lowercase or the PRM that controls that.
Nomads / Maintenance Generation Error #26
September 16, 2024, 04:11:37 PM
Tried the new Maintenance Generation, always get an error #26 at end


0024 if vis(element$)<>"" then let template_string$+=element$+"="+vis(element$)+$01$

Quick debugging shows ELEMENT$ was "iolist SETTING$"

This is after clicking FINISH.
Language / Re: SVN Linux?
September 11, 2024, 11:06:42 PM
So I tested this on a local version of PVX PLus on windows with a demo key, and it seems to get past where I am stuck BUT I am still wondering this not work on a Linux server through windx?
Language / Re: SVN Linux?
September 11, 2024, 08:37:15 AM
Should I submit a ticket I really cannot get SVN going..   It keeps looping environmental setup box after I provide a start_up.svn as if it doesn't accept that file.

My PVX is on a linux server.