Announcing Webster Plus Video Series

Started by PxPlus, August 19, 2021, 05:25:46 PM

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With the release of PxPlus 2021, we introduced a new toolset included in the Web bundle called Webster+. This toolset is designed to make both the generation of Web pages and setup of Web sites easier.

As promised, we are creating a set of introductory videos to give you an overview of the Webster+ features and quickly get you familiar with them.

Webster+ Installation

In this video we will show you how to install and setup a basic Webster plus system. Learn how to run the Webster plus installation utility from either the PxPlus command mode, or the 2021 PxPlus IDE.

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Setup & Configuration

A critical step for Webster+ development is the setup process. In this video, you will learn about the most important things you want to have setup before you get started.

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Generating Pages

In this short tutorial, we will show you how you can easily create Webster+ HTML pages using another new feature in PxPlus 2021: the File Maintenance Generator.

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