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Programming / Currency Code Display
Last post by gshauffenburg - Today at 03:28:27 PM
I am trying to display various currency codes in PVX.  The HTML characters for the code are being stored in a variable.

The following works for several, but not all codes:
- ? EVS("$"+HTA(CVS(htmlcode$,"HTML:ASCII"))+"$")

For instance setting HTMLCODE$="¥" (Yen) will work, but setting HTMLCODE$="₯" (Drachma) will not work.

I am looking for any suggestions on how to improve my logic, or to obtain an understanding as to why not all HTML codes can be converted.  We require the HTML code for display on the WEB, but my understanding, and experience is that I cannot display HTML in PVX or Nomads.

Thank you in advance for taking time to review this thread.
Programming / talking to
Last post by Thomas Bock - Today at 09:57:51 AM
We use an own implementation of SMTP if the user runs a mail server on his own.
This doesn't work with the MS server, as it requires TLS.
What is best practice for using that server from a Linux host?
Nomads / Extended Class Validation - Pa...
Last post by bbssupport - July 25, 2024, 10:10:13 PM
I'm looking at using the extended class validation feature define some data classes for use in a grid.

Lets say i create a class for 'Customer Code' which links to the customer file in the extended validation feature to verify the customer code is valid. I'm facing an issue with being able to specify that the value entered should be padded with spaces up to the maximum field length before checking the customer file (eg user enters 'CASH' but the key on the customer file is 'CASH  ' because all customer codes are padded to 6 characters.

Is there a way that I can't see to achieve this?
Last post by Mike King - July 23, 2024, 03:17:19 PM
Glad this helped your resolve your issue.

If you look at NGINX documentation it will describe the headers that may get added.  In particular the X-Real-ip header which is described at
Last post by martinp - July 22, 2024, 08:25:39 PM
OMG Mike King to the rescue years later... Thank you for this..

So I am using an Nginx Reverse Proxy to have multiple web servers on one server, and of course $REMOTE_IP$ was giving the IP of the Proxy server.

After googling I found my way here, I used DUMP(%PRINT_FN) To see all the variables Mike was talking about and sure enough there it was:

%HTTP_X_REAL_IP$  which was exactly what I needed thank you

It also had


But they had %HTTP as a prefix.

Maybe this is what the documentation was referring to with:

Maybe this could be clarified in the online document.

Anyway just wanted to give an update on this.  Thanks
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Computer using two user sl...
Last post by dlocke - July 22, 2024, 12:45:15 PM
Here is the little script used to start the CS Host.

 cd /pxp
 /pxp/pxplus "*plus/cs/host" -arg "$PORT;recon=$RECON" >/dev/null </dev/null &
 echo $!

I'm killing all pxplus processes before starting the CS host.  I start a WindX connection, I see 1 license being used and the two pxplus processes on the the server.  I start a second WindX connection , I see 2 licenses being used and 3 pxplus processes.  I think this should rule out the background process using a license.


Thin Client/WindX / Re: Computer using two user sl...
Last post by Mike King - July 22, 2024, 11:27:52 AM
Is it possible you did not router STDIN and STDOUT to /dev/null for the SimpleCS server process?
Alternately are you runnin any other PxPlus processes on the server?
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Computer using two user sl...
Last post by dlocke - July 18, 2024, 12:52:46 PM
I'm running the SimpleCS host on a Ubuntu server and I'm using the WindX plugin.   
Programming / Re: def object x,"[wdx]*"
Last post by Mike King - July 18, 2024, 12:33:20 PM
One thought -- you said you are using different versions of ProvideX (this should be PxPlus otherwise you need to contact Sage).  Given this please doublecheck that all versions are  the same -- either 64 bit or 32 bit. 

The display of installed ActiveX controls will vary between 32 and 64 bit installations as each will depend on the software installed and whether it was 32 or 64 bit.
Thin Client/WindX / Re: Computer using two user sl...
Last post by Mike King - July 18, 2024, 12:30:48 PM
You should install and use the WindX plugin to connect and not the installed PxPlus as that will cause double user counts.