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Author Topic: Locked Cells in a Grid  (Read 2399 times)


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Locked Cells in a Grid
« on: July 25, 2018, 03:21:51 PM »
PxPlus 2017, v14.10.  Set up a simple grid with 7 columns.  Preset the following properties: Columnwidth on col -1 to zero, Lock col 1, Lock col 2, SkipLockedCells to on, TabMode = 2.  When the grid initially comes into focus the cursor lands on the first column of the first row which was locked by the presets.  Pressing the tab key moves focus to the 3rd column of the first row. 
Since I've locked the first 2 columns of the grid and specified SkipLockedCells I was expecting the focus to be on the 3rd column when entering the grid.  Is there something I'm missing?

Jeff DeGrendele
SDA, Inc.

Mike King

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Re: Locked Cells in a Grid
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2018, 04:04:37 PM »
No -- its just that the 'SkipLockedCells only applies to tabbing or movement by the arrow keys.  By default the system forces focus to the first cell in a grid.  If you want to start in a different column try setting CurrentColno in the presets to the column you want to start in.

NOTE: If the program sets the current cell to a locked cell or the user clicks on a locked cell, the system will still go there.  The 'SkipLockedCells property only applies to keyboard movement.

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com


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Re: Locked Cells in a Grid
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2018, 04:49:36 PM »
Thank you Mike for the explanation.  We'll work around it.


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Re: Locked Cells in a Grid
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2018, 04:36:54 PM »
     Can you elaborate on 'SkipLockedCells?  I did some experimentation and am finding it rather lacking for what I'd hoped it would do.

  • It appears to ignore celltype of "Button".  If you lock a button cell, arrow keys still let you go there
  • Up/down arrows don't seem to honor this property.  If you lock all of row two and you arrow down from row one it still goes to row two rather than skipping it and going to row three
  • TabMode of 2 does skip the whole locked row but EnterMode of 3 goes to the locked cells