ODBC ini file config

Started by Jeffrey Ferreira, August 27, 2024, 02:56:12 PM

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Jeffrey Ferreira

I'm struggling with something that works but I don't understand why?


Can someone tell me what ORDER_NUMBER=STRING,LEN=9,FIELD=1,OFFSET=6 what this is doing?
it does what i want but intuitively i feel like it should not be working.

Jeffrey Ferreira

I would consider Offset to be where we start in string like in a mid function
let if string is
Offset = 4
Length = 3
and i say offset is 4 (assuming 0 based then) i would expect it to return
where the "R" is in the 4th position (0 based) and then go over 3 characters...
is that what the Offset is?

Devon Austen

Yes it is the offset in the field.

Based on that ini setting it seems that the ODBC will ignore the data in the file for the first 5 characters and then treat the next 9 as the field.
Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.

Jeffrey Ferreira

thank you Deven - so it doesn't seem to be working for me.
i'll try again ...thank you.

Jeffrey Ferreira

Hi Deven, my field contains hexadecimal characters and i think that is causing problem.  than you for clarifying for me.