Best and Fastest Way to Read Data from JDE DB2 tables and write to PxPlus

Started by, November 15, 2023, 11:56:13 AM

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Hi all,
Has anyone worked with Oracle JDE DB2?  Looking for best and fastest way to read data from them and write to PxPlus files (Direct, etc...).. We currently use ODBC, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a better way.
Thank you!

Devon Austen

PxPlus has a [DB2] interface similar to the ODBC interface (

To use the DB2 interface, you must have either the DB2 database or the DB2 client installed on a workstation, and the path to the db2cli.dll file must be locatable by the PATH environment variable.
When using the DB2 client, a db2cli.ini file is created in the user directory to specify such parameters as the Hostname (address), uid (user) and pwd (password).

You can try this to see if it is any faster for you compared to ODBC.

Note the performance may have more to do with the SQL generated then which interface is used. PxPlus will convert reads and writes to SQL for you but in order for it to do that it has to generate SQL that will work for all types of reads and writes. This means it doesn't always generate the most efficient SQL.  You can however issue SQL directly and read the results allowing you to craft the most efficient SQL for the data you need (

Principal Software Engineer for PVX Plus Technologies LTD.