Announcing PxPlus 2024

Started by PxPlus, May 24, 2024, 09:20:06 AM

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We are pleased to announce that PxPlus 2024 (v21) is available for download.

PxPlus 2024 includes new features to keep your applications safe, secure and modern

  • The Harvard Business Review reported a 20% increase in cyber security data breaches from 2022 to 2023. To protect your application and your customers' data, PxPlus 2024 is updated with the latest Security modules.

  • In speaking with the developer community, we learned that many developers are using Visual Studio Code in other areas of their development teams. PxPlus 2024 includes a new extension to Visual Studio Code, an industry-leading code editor that is the preferred choice for many developers.

  • In today's competitive environment, the look and feel of an application is equally important as the functionality. PxPlus 2024 includes modern PxPlus toolkit interfaces showcasing Dark and Light modes, and new tools to update the look of your Nomads and non-Nomads based applications.

  • Webster+, launched in 2021, provides developers with the optimal toolset to convert your application to browser based. PxPlus 2024 continues to enhance Webster+ with the ability to create and maintain screen library objects using a Web browser with Webster+ Inspector.

  • We made it even easier for you to design your application screens for NOMADS and Webster+ with the new File Maintenance Generator Enhanced Layout.

For a complete overview of new features in this release, see the What's New section.

Watch our short video introducing PxPlus 2024

Additional Resources

To download the software for PxPlus 2024, go to our Download Center.

To download the software for v8.00 PxPlus SQL ODBC Driver and PxPlus SQL Server , go to our Download Center.

For additional technical information, see our Documentation website.

The PVX Plus Team