What is error 119?

Started by MikeinFL, January 24, 2022, 10:04:21 PM

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What is error 119?  Documentation says reserved.

I get an error 119 in both v18.20 and v17.10, but not in v14.10 when writing to the same keyed file with this line of code:

1530 WRITE (3,KEY=A1$+VAR$+"00000000")IOL=2390


Mike Flemmer

Mike King

The error is generated when using a Demo key and you have hit the file limit.  we changed this from the standard end-of-file error to avoid confusion.

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->? msg(119)
Error #119: Maximum record count hit for demo/educational license

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com


Thanks Mike.  I did remember what it was.  Demo runs so smooth that it always surprises me when it comes up.