Change colour of Titlebar

Started by Ron Klassen, December 08, 2022, 04:22:00 PM

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Ron Klassen

Does anyone have any ideas on changing the colour of a Titlebar after it has already been displayed?

This is for a menu panel, and there are options to change theme colours etc. If they change the colour I can have the colour of the other controls changed automatically, but I'm not sure if this can be done on a Titlebar.

This is a resizable panel and if I manually change the size, the titlebar colour is changed. So, any way to simulate a panel size change? 

Mike King

Try PREINPUT -1105 which is the resize event.  This may cause the redraw logic to kick in.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Ron Klassen

I thought that might work as well, but it didn't

Ron Klassen

I ended up using a combination of 'rectangle' and 'text' and it worked perfectly.