Property Sheets Designer Issue

Started by Ron Klassen, November 08, 2022, 02:29:40 PM

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Ron Klassen

I use the Property Sheets designer in Nomads and for a very long time now the Properties Panel will not maintain the column sizes that I set.
I have the Options / Properties Table / Save Window Settings checked, but I still have to adjust the columns almost every time. Is there something else I am missing?

Len Vassos

We need further clarification.   Which column sizes are you referring to? Is it the Property and Value column sizes in the Properties dialog?  Also what version are you using?
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.

Ron Klassen

Yes, it's the Property and Value columns. The Property column typically will expand to 70-80% of the total dialog width. I'm on the current version now, but it's the same on earlier versions as well.

Len Vassos

We tried this on the current version and some earlier versions.   If the Save Windows Setting is set, any changes made to the Properties dialog are saved, such as changing the sizes of Property/Value columns, increasing/decreasing the size of the dialog, and moving the dialog to a new location on the screen.

What is your font setting?
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.

Ron Klassen

I have the font set as Courier,-18. I tried setting it to FixedSys,-9 and it seems to work better. A little smaller font than I would like though.
Is there a particular font that it should be set to?