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Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary auto creat...
Last post by EVa - December 04, 2024, 03:34:04 AMIf I'm not mistaken, the program is looking for providex.ddf and providex.dde. Just run the data dictionary utility in order to create these files (enter dd in console mode or run "*nomads" and select Dictionary/Maintenance from the menu).
Language / Re: 'rb' escape sequece
Last post by EVa - December 04, 2024, 02:47:48 AM'RB' should be defined in your terminal driver program - for example in *dev/vt100:
1110 MNEMONIC (LFO)'RB'=$07$
Certain emulators also have a 'dump data to screen' mode that will display whatever they are receiving.
1110 MNEMONIC (LFO)'RB'=$07$
Certain emulators also have a 'dump data to screen' mode that will display whatever they are receiving.
Language / 'rb' escape sequece
Last post by Michael Greer - December 03, 2024, 05:30:59 PMOk. Historically 0x07 is the bell character. How can I determine what PVX is sending when I print 'rb' at a command prompt? I'm having trouble with a terminal emulator not ringing and need to know this value to help with the config of that emulator.
Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary auto creat...
Last post by Fpappas - December 03, 2024, 11:06:57 AMUsing the Tools - Visual Dictionary - When 'Update System Dictionary' i am having and ERROR= 'Cannot Open system database'
what is happening?
what is happening?
Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary auto creat...
Last post by EVa - December 03, 2024, 04:52:12 AMRun "*PLUS/UTIL/DICTDEF" should work.
Nomads / Data Dictionary auto create
Last post by Fpappas - December 02, 2024, 03:12:49 PMHow i convert a Normal providex data file into Nomad Dictionary? any tool?
Using the Tools - Visual Dictionary - When 'Update System Dictionary' i am having and ERROR= 'Cannot Open system database'
what is happening?
Using the Tools - Visual Dictionary - When 'Update System Dictionary' i am having and ERROR= 'Cannot Open system database'
what is happening?
ODBC / [Guide] Connecting to a Micros...
Last post by martinp - December 01, 2024, 01:44:02 PMHere is a very basic example of an SQL connection with a dsn-less connection to a Microsoft SQL Server. (pvxplus 21)
This is through windx and for reference on linux but should work elsewhere.
I had great difficulty with the documentation finding this so I hope it can be updated for this simple case, I hope this helps someone I found numerous mailing list tips ideas on this and I wanted to just summarize it all to a very simple real world example.
SQL_Database = Artcraft_Machines
uid = SQL user id
pwd = SQL password
SQL_Table = scm_artcraft
Now because I specify "uid" and "pwd" in the connect string with the OPT= We do not have to pass the different syntax of USER=abc, PSWD=def on the Open. If you do not specify in connect string then you must use this USER/PSWD syntax on open.
Also it's critical to pass "ignore;" as the first parameter on the open as it just skips this because we are using a connect string but you still need it on the open as a padding.
There was also notes of using {SQL Server Native CLient 11.0} instead of {SQL Server} or whatever vers I think this is needed, I assume based on windows versions. This may differ based on your SQL version. But for me I was just trying a regular Microsoft SQL Server.
This is through windx and for reference on linux but should work elsewhere.
I had great difficulty with the documentation finding this so I hope it can be updated for this simple case, I hope this helps someone I found numerous mailing list tips ideas on this and I wanted to just summarize it all to a very simple real world example.
SQL_Database = Artcraft_Machines
uid = SQL user id
pwd = SQL password
SQL_Table = scm_artcraft
Now because I specify "uid" and "pwd" in the connect string with the OPT= We do not have to pass the different syntax of USER=abc, PSWD=def on the Open. If you do not specify in connect string then you must use this USER/PSWD syntax on open.
Also it's critical to pass "ignore;" as the first parameter on the open as it just skips this because we are using a connect string but you still need it on the open as a padding.
Code Select
0010 begin
0020 !
0030 let OPT$="CONNECT='Driver={SQL Server};Server=CONSTRUCT-SQL;Database=Artcraft_Machines;uid=artmachine;pwd=artmachine'"
0040 open (1,iol=*,opt=OPT$)"[lcl][odb]ignore;scm_artcraft;Key=Code" ! ;USER=artmachine;PSWD=artmachine"
0050 !
0060 select * from 1
0070 print CODE$," ",THICKNESS,"x ",WIDTH," x ",LENGTH
0080 next record
0090 !
0100 print lst(iol(1))
There was also notes of using {SQL Server Native CLient 11.0} instead of {SQL Server} or whatever vers I think this is needed, I assume based on windows versions. This may differ based on your SQL version. But for me I was just trying a regular Microsoft SQL Server.
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
Last post by Mike King - November 28, 2024, 04:17:30 PMCedric
Glad to have been of assistance ... guess my little grey cells are still of some use. Hercule Poirot would be pleased.
Glad to have been of assistance ... guess my little grey cells are still of some use. Hercule Poirot would be pleased.

Programming / Re: url encode utf8
Last post by Cedric - November 28, 2024, 03:55:16 PM!*?*&?&%!&?%!&?%!&?!&?!%?&!
That is me screaming! loL!
I tried so many things Yesterday that I think I have changed the parameter U8... Now if I leave the default parameter that is set to 0, it works! The only thing I need to do if I want to use the *tools/sms utility is to encode in UTF8... So MyMessageInUtf8$=cvs(MyMessage$,"NATIVE:UTF8") ... I believe the utility already does the URL encode.
Thanks Mike for the tip.
That is me screaming! loL!
I tried so many things Yesterday that I think I have changed the parameter U8... Now if I leave the default parameter that is set to 0, it works! The only thing I need to do if I want to use the *tools/sms utility is to encode in UTF8... So MyMessageInUtf8$=cvs(MyMessage$,"NATIVE:UTF8") ... I believe the utility already does the URL encode.
Thanks Mike for the tip.
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
Last post by Mike King - November 28, 2024, 03:33:35 PMIf you want URL encoded with UTF-8 then use NATIVE:URL as in the following
Code Select
->print cvs(utf8$,"NATIVE:URL")