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Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary auto creat...
Last post by EVa - December 04, 2024, 03:34:04 AM
If I'm not mistaken, the program is looking for providex.ddf and providex.dde.  Just run the data dictionary utility in order to create these files (enter dd in console mode or run "*nomads" and select Dictionary/Maintenance from the menu).
Language / Re: 'rb' escape sequece
Last post by EVa - December 04, 2024, 02:47:48 AM
'RB' should be defined in your terminal driver program - for example in *dev/vt100:

1110 MNEMONIC (LFO)'RB'=$07$

Certain emulators also have a 'dump data to screen' mode that will display whatever they are receiving.
Language / 'rb' escape sequece
Last post by Michael Greer - December 03, 2024, 05:30:59 PM
Ok.  Historically 0x07 is the bell character.  How can I determine what PVX is sending when I print 'rb' at a command prompt?  I'm having trouble with a terminal emulator not ringing and need to know this value to help with the config of that emulator.
Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary auto creat...
Last post by Fpappas - December 03, 2024, 11:06:57 AM
Using the Tools - Visual Dictionary - When 'Update System Dictionary' i am having and ERROR= 'Cannot Open system database'
what is happening?

Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary auto creat...
Last post by EVa - December 03, 2024, 04:52:12 AM
Run "*PLUS/UTIL/DICTDEF" should work.
Nomads / Data Dictionary auto create
Last post by Fpappas - December 02, 2024, 03:12:49 PM
How i convert a Normal providex data file into Nomad Dictionary? any tool?


Using the Tools - Visual Dictionary - When 'Update System Dictionary' i am having and ERROR= 'Cannot Open system database'
what is happening?

ODBC / [Guide] Connecting to a Micros...
Last post by martinp - December 01, 2024, 01:44:02 PM
Here is a very basic example of an SQL connection with a dsn-less connection to a Microsoft SQL Server.  (pvxplus 21)

This is through windx and for reference on linux but should work elsewhere.

I had great difficulty with the documentation finding this so I hope it can be updated for this simple case, I hope this helps someone I found numerous mailing list tips ideas on this and I wanted to just summarize it all to a very simple real world example.

SQL_Database = Artcraft_Machines
uid = SQL user id
pwd = SQL password

SQL_Table = scm_artcraft

Now because I specify "uid" and "pwd" in the connect string with the OPT=  We do not have to pass the different syntax of USER=abc, PSWD=def on the Open.  If you do not specify in connect string then you must use this USER/PSWD syntax on open.

Also it's critical to pass "ignore;"  as the first parameter on the open as it just skips this because we are using a connect string but you still need it on the open as a padding.

0010 begin
0020 !
0030 let OPT$="CONNECT='Driver={SQL Server};Server=CONSTRUCT-SQL;Database=Artcraft_Machines;uid=artmachine;pwd=artmachine'"
0040 open (1,iol=*,opt=OPT$)"[lcl][odb]ignore;scm_artcraft;Key=Code" ! ;USER=artmachine;PSWD=artmachine"
0050 !
0060 select * from 1
0070 print CODE$,"   ",THICKNESS,"x ",WIDTH," x ",LENGTH
0080 next record
0090 !
0100 print lst(iol(1))

There was also notes of using {SQL Server Native CLient 11.0} instead of {SQL Server} or whatever vers I think this is needed, I assume based on windows versions.  This may differ based on your SQL version.  But for me I was just trying a regular Microsoft SQL Server.
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
Last post by Mike King - November 28, 2024, 04:17:30 PM

Glad to have been of assistance ... guess my little grey cells are still of some use.  Hercule Poirot would be pleased.  :)
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
Last post by Cedric - November 28, 2024, 03:55:16 PM
That is me screaming! loL!

I tried so many things Yesterday that I think I have changed the parameter U8... Now if I leave the default parameter that is set to 0, it works!   The only thing I need to do if I want to use the *tools/sms utility is to encode in UTF8... So MyMessageInUtf8$=cvs(MyMessage$,"NATIVE:UTF8") ...  I believe the utility already does the URL encode.

Thanks Mike for the tip. 
Programming / Re: url encode utf8
Last post by Mike King - November 28, 2024, 03:33:35 PM
If you want URL encoded with UTF-8 then use NATIVE:URL as in the following

->print cvs(utf8$,"NATIVE:URL")