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Programming / Re: Visual Studio Code Extensi...
Last post by Stéphane Devouard - August 30, 2024, 09:30:51 AM

The VSCode extension does require a PxPlus installation and so is Windows only at the moment (I suspect it uses either the .exe or the COM interface to check for syntax errors)

A demo-activated PxPlus is enough though. That's what I've been using since the Software Developer license got cancelled and I was able to use the VSCode extension. I also saw the expiration nag messages when running VSCode so that's why I suppose it needs the interpreter to interface with the language server...
Programming / Re: Visual Studio Code Extensi...
Last post by martinp - August 29, 2024, 04:00:35 PM
Thanks!  Is there an interim solution we can use like a development key to the local PC or something?

Is there a real need to even link to a licensed pvx?  I just wonder because it cant really run pvx right? just read/save.. Doesnt the demo pvx plus allow same function?  or am I missing something.
ODBC / Re: ODBC ini file config
Last post by Jeffrey Ferreira - August 29, 2024, 03:53:53 PM
Hi Deven, my field contains hexadecimal characters and i think that is causing problem.  than you for clarifying for me.
ODBC / Re: ODBC ini file config
Last post by Jeffrey Ferreira - August 29, 2024, 03:19:56 PM
thank you Deven - so it doesn't seem to be working for me.
i'll try again ...thank you.
Programming / Re: Visual Studio Code Extensi...
Last post by Devon Austen - August 29, 2024, 02:16:27 PM
The VS Code Extension needs to be given the path to an active PxPlus executable not the activation file. In this first version you can't point it at a remote PxPlus to use it.

We are looking into that as a feature we can add in a update.
ODBC / Re: ODBC ini file config
Last post by Devon Austen - August 29, 2024, 02:14:57 PM
Yes it is the offset in the field.

Based on that ini setting it seems that the ODBC will ignore the data in the file for the first 5 characters and then treat the next 9 as the field.
ODBC / Re: ODBC ini file config
Last post by Jeffrey Ferreira - August 29, 2024, 01:53:14 PM
I would consider Offset to be where we start in string like in a mid function
let if string is
Offset = 4
Length = 3
and i say offset is 4 (assuming 0 based then) i would expect it to return
where the "R" is in the 4th position (0 based) and then go over 3 characters...
is that what the Offset is?
Programming / Visual Studio Code Extension
Last post by martinp - August 29, 2024, 01:22:37 PM
Hey for the license type how can I point this to our linux server, do I have to share the ACTIVATE.PVX through samba ?  This safe? :)
Programming / Re: Open, Read, Write/Update t...
Last post by nrh7 - August 28, 2024, 10:00:05 PM
Nevermind guys!
Ado is working well with chrome, its just the command "print" doesnt show anything but i can display information to a multiline or msgbox just fine.

So I guess im set for now, thanks!!!
Programming / Re: Open, Read, Write/Update t...
Last post by nrh7 - August 28, 2024, 06:53:34 PM
This is the final product:

00045 PRINT C1$
00046 PRINT C2$
00047 PRINT C3$
00048 PRINT C4$
00049 PRINT C5$
00050 PRINT "========================================="
00051 CLOSE (CHAN)
00052 RETURN

It works wonderful because I input the internal code in the screen and run the code and it prints the info about the internal id.

Runs smooth!!! Finally....

However when I tried to run that same window via inomads it did not run nor it gave me any errors.

What changes do I have to make to inomads so that it can run, I use EZWeb Server on local network and google chrome.