Error in Character Editor

Started by Jeffrey Ferreira, January 10, 2022, 11:06:42 AM

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Jeffrey Ferreira

Hi All,

I know I should use GUI editor but I like some features in the character editor...but I cannot save programs in Character editor.
I get an error 41 at line 5039

5039 print 'textwdw'(-200,-200,mxc(0)+2,mxl(0)+2,'CS'),

i do have a bigger monitor...does anyone know how i can fix this?



Mike King

What version PxPlus and what type of terminal are you using.

I just connected to a Unix system via ssh using putty and had no trouble saving a program -- and actually was able to issue the 'textwdw' command directly from command line without any error.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Jeffrey Ferreira

Hi Mike,
version 17

i think the 249 is causing the problem....

Mike King


Okay -- looks like you must be running the text editor in WindX with the screen maximized.

Try simply removing the +2 from both MXL and MXC.

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Jeffrey Ferreira

Hi Mike,
I'm running in Terminal Services but removing the +2 fixed it...
i just wanted to make sure i wasnt going to break anything...
thank you ...
i hope i'm not the only person left still using character editor   ....