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Messages - Sonia Cruz

iNomads / iPad device for remote support
April 11, 2023, 11:53:23 AM
Hello All!
What application do you recommend, if possible, for technical support via remote access with an iPAD to an application on a Linux server? Could it be possible through an iNomads license to enter the source code? What would be the requirements? Is there a compatible tool to transfer a file if necessary? 
I will appreciate your comments including if this is not a good alternative. 
Thank you in advance!
Sonia Cruz

Hello Mike,
What was happening is that the system was altering the report writing data and including scribbles on top of the information presented in the report originally designed.

The communication ports were changed and we did continue with the same problem where the last pdf file attached is corrupting.  At the level of the operating system everything looks good.

Now with your program sample I noted that it is not included the ?Q at the end of attachment$ variable value.  I did check the pvxplus documentation and it is yet appearing there the ?Q as requirement .  But I did remove and now it works properly.

Thank you so much for your time!

Hello Mike,

I was wrong, I did change the order and discovered that is it not the first pdf, it is the last pdf attached.
I did check and all pdf files are close before included to the attachment$ variable.

Thank you!
Hello All,
I am having a situation that I never had before when sending an email with pdf file attached, where only the pdf file attached is received corrupted (and if several pdf files attached only the first one is corrupted). Does someone have had this situation?  I am using the call "*WEB/email...".  I did verify the originals pdf report files and they are fine and created properly.  This is in a new linux environment (Ubuntu ver 20.04.4) and with pxplus 2021 Web (Ver: 18.10/Unix-Linux-Ubuntu).

I will appreciate your comments. 

Thanks in advance!


Sonia Cruz
Language / schedule a providex program
June 09, 2021, 01:04:20 PM
Hello all!
I need to  setup an auto run in the  Windows Server schedule using pvxwin32.exe for an old app but when run, the executable stop waiting for press the OK button  in the windows for confirm the providex owner license.  The question is (simple for you),  Is there a way to omit this windows so the process will not be interrupt and complete the requested program invoked automatically? 
See bellow a sample command I have in a .bat file.   Please, let me know what I am doing wrong and/or missing.

S:/PVX_TX/PVX/PVXWIN32.EXE -hd S:/PVX_TX/PVX/PROGRAM/Spy_auto_corp_list_next_month.pvc

Any suggestion will be appreciated. 

Thanks in advance!!!
Sonia Cruz
Programming / Call "*rpt/runreport;Run_Call"
April 22, 2021, 12:44:01 AM
Hello All,

Is there a way to change by programming the source data file set in the Report Writer before run and generate the reports through the following call program ? 

CALL "*rpt/runreport;Run_Call",RPTFILE$,TMP_HTML_NAME$

Any idea will be appreciated. 

Thanks in Advance!


Sonia Cruz
Hello Mike!
Thank you so much for the ideas, the second option is what the business is looking for.
Sonia Cruz
Hello all!
Do you know if there is a way to copy the result of a letter created in report writer and put in the content of an email like the wording?   
Thanks in advance!
Sonia Cruz
Hello all!
Do you know how and when detect special characters contained in rows of a text file coming from international symbols of, for example, addresses of Europe, South America, etc., how to translate / convert them to character code equivalent to the English (United States) language? This is for an electronic file that the format do not accept special characters and symbols.   
Thanks in advance!
Sonia Cruz
Good Morning,

How can keep images integrated in wording of emails sent automatically to multiples recipients using *WEB/emails, in both windows and linux platforms?  In my tests (sending to my email addresses)  I can download images/pictures (.jpg format, for example) without problems, but not the different recipients, they cannot do the same when they do receive the emails.  Please, let me know how can resolve this situation.   

Thanks in advance!


Sonia Cruz
Torres CPA Group
Good Morning,
Which pvxplus educational material in the internet (manuals with practice tasks) do you recommend first for a programmer who does not know this language?
Thank you and Regards
Off Topic / programmer position
January 09, 2019, 11:21:12 AM
Good Afternoon,
We are looking for at least one year experience providex/pvxplus programmer (by contract position) who, preferable,  he/she speaks Spanish.  Who knows a candidate, please email me at . Thank you.

Buenas Tardes,
Estamos buscando un programador (minimo 1 a~no de experiencia), preferible de habla hispana.  Favor enviarme correo electronico a  Gracias y Saludos,