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Passing in a variable to a iNomads transaction


Bob Sosbee:
I want to create a clickable link from a report or email that when clicked will invoke the iNomads transaction that I want.  Currently, the link looks like

Can I add anything after the link like "?arg_1=MD" and would that pass in as arg_1$?  Something like

Mike King:
No problem, the %inomads object includes properties/methods that can be used to access the argument list that was included with the original URL.

These include:

* %inomads'Url_Arg$(argno)
Returns the URL argument/parameter indicated by argno. If no parameter is present at the specified argno, an Error #42 will be generated.

* %inomads'Url_Arg$(name$)
Returns the value assigned to the specified URL parameter or "" if not set.

* %inomads'Url_Arg_Cnt
Number of parameters found on the URL line.

So for your example you could set ARG_1$=%inomads'Url_Arg$("arg_1").

More information about inomads properties and methods can be found at this link

Mike King:
One quick note, on reviewing your original post you have the URL wrong.  In your post you asked about

A question mark (?) separates the site URL and its parameter list which is referred to as the query_string. 
For iNomads subsequent parameters should be separated by the ampersand (&) character. 
This is standard for most web sites.  (ref

So your URL to work under iNomads would need to be:

Bob Sosbee:
Cool!  That clarifies what I needed.  Thanks!


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