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Ports to open for WindX.utl SPAWN


Which TCP port range should be open for the directive CALL "*WindX.utl;SPAWN" to work? I have opened up 3000- 65535, but this is not in line with best practices. Without this range open, we get an error message dialogue box displaying "Connection failure to host:[tcp]; NODELAY; STREAM", where NNNNN is some random high port number.

This is for WindX Plugin 2017 Upd 1, and PxPlus Version 14.10.0000 running on RHEL7.5

Les Gondor
Electro Sonic

Mike King:
Generally we suggest you use Simple CS to connect to the server as it only requires a single port.  The default is 4093 which is defined by ICANN for use by us.

If using Telnet or SSH to connect then by default the system will ask the OS to provide it an available port number which, as you say, can cause trouble with firewall settings. 

Now you can override this and force the application to use a specific host/port by setting %PXPLUS_HOST prior calling *windx.utl;spawn.  This variable can be set to an asterisk followed by name/address of the host (as seen from Workstation perspective), a semi=colon, then the port number to use. 



Where "" is the host address and 4093 is the port to use. 

This is documented at a note on the bottom of

Thanks, Mike, I'll try that.

By the way, the note on the WindX.utl page of the local help file of the V14 installation makes no reference to any of those variables.


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