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Embedded I/O program?


Hello! Using PxP 15.10. What's the way to find out the name of the embedded I/O pgm in a data file? We have a file that must have had an embedded I/O prgram updated into it, and then it was removed from the DD. But the physical file itself appears to still have the reference to it, and I'm guessing the program no longer exists b/c I'm getting an error 121 when I pull up the DD entry for the file. Thanks in advance.

Paula McKeever
CAI Software

Do this:

print fin(lfo,"IO_Program")


Mike King:
If you are on running Windows try enabling the Trace window and enabling the Option "File Open Failures"

When you then try to open the data file you should see the name of the program that was missing.

Mike King: File Open Failures did it. Thanks for the tip! Will make note of it.


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