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Topics - Thomas Bock

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Programming / strange errors 15 with [mysql] connection
« on: July 30, 2019, 03:26:23 AM »
We encounter strange errors 15 with [mysql] connections when rewinding the record pointer.

Code: [Select]
-}read record(1,key=$$,kno=0)r$
Error #11: Record not found or Duplicate key on write
Last IO to [MYSQL]koss;mw01_form_para, channel 1
-}? key(1,kno=0)
Error #15: Operating system command failed
Last IO to [MYSQL]koss;mw01_form_para, channel 1
SELECT `formular`,`b_menge`,`l_menge`,`r_menge`,`mg_maske`,`me_x`,`art_nr`,`e_preis`,`ep_maske`,
`pe`,`waehrung`, ..., `use_overlay`,`archivdauer` FROM mw01_form_para WHERE `formular` > '' ORDER BY `formular`

Indeed there is no error 15, because the MySQL log files show no errors. The KEY() function works in the expected way with many other tables. But some tables show this error.
As far as I can do some try and error tests there seems to be a dependency to the option NONUMADJ. If set to "N" everything is fine, but if set to "Y" the errors occur. We need to work with "NONUMADJ=Y".

Thin Client/WindX / winsock error
« on: July 26, 2019, 08:19:34 AM »
A customer reports a sporadic winsock error:

[TCP][Winsock]Error status:0 {-1:<UNK>}
Error #15: Operation system command failed

They are running several 24/7 PxPlus programs on a Win10Pro TS and no interactive programs. All programs run PxPlus V14 with SCS and SSL-WindX connections.
After an OK click the program continues.
As there are no new connections made by any of the programs, what can cause this?

Wish List / character set option
« on: July 19, 2019, 10:25:21 AM »
I'd like to use a character set option in the OPT part of a [mysql] open statement.
That will enable an application to use its character set against a SQL connection without any need to convert the data iself.
The ODBC-driver for a MySQL-DB supports this already. Perhaps the same option can be used.

Programming / character set option
« on: July 12, 2019, 07:27:26 AM »
Our application uses ISO8859-15. A MySQL-DB uses uft8 as a default.
If the application uses a prefix file in order to open a sql-table instead of a keyed file, what options and adjustments need to be made in order to keep german umlauts and french accented characters and the euro sign of course?
I tried several things but always gain questionmarks.

Wish List / missing key information in emulation mode
« on: July 02, 2019, 07:33:04 AM »
When a SQL table is opened via the prefix file, then the FIN() function doesn't return any key information. The returned string has a length of 68 bytes only.
We work in BBx-mode and fin$(86,385) is required in order to use KGN(). And KGN() is frequently used in our application.
I don't know any other way to generate key values. If there is no alternative, then I want this to be added.

Wish List / Database Conversion Utility
« on: June 26, 2019, 10:29:07 AM »
I took a look at the new DCU. Here are some wishes concerning this tool.

  • There should be a way to control the decimals for numeric values. A field defined with PRICE:[LEN(10)] may be DECIMAL(9,2) in a SQL-table. Perhaps the print format can be used for that.
  • There should be mapping rules for datatypes. A padded string field should be CHAR instead of VCHAR and a delimited string field with >100 bytes should be text instead of VCHAR. Just to mention a few.
  • There is no way to use company numbers in table names, like the C$ in the ODBC-DD. We would like to use an expression like in the definition of the physical filename.
  • It should be possible to define a standard for the connection values and the name of the prefix file.
And this one seems to be an issue:
The standard option DATEFMT=JUL-0000 doesn't work. We use julian values, but after loading the table there are nothing but NULL values in the date fields.

Nomads / providex.dfs kept open
« on: June 25, 2019, 09:57:51 AM »
The file providex.dfs is kept open after the construction of a window/panel. Can it be closed?
On windows systems this file cannot be replaced, while a PxPlus window is opened.

Language / conversion failed?
« on: June 19, 2019, 04:41:26 AM »
In the DD (PxPlus V14) I changed the record structure from
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
After a click on "Update File" the new field IMPORT_DAT contained the old content from TYP and MARKER. Is this the designed behavior?

Wish List / classes with accept properties
« on: June 05, 2019, 10:37:30 AM »
For the ease of use I wish there would be no error 88 when accessing a previously unassigned property. The standard empty value should be returned, which is $$ or zero.

! sample class
def class "miniEnv" accept properties
end def

! sample use
print e'missingProp ---> Error 88

Programming / event from disabled multiline
« on: June 03, 2019, 10:43:56 AM »
A multiline, which serves as a drop target, fires events though it is disabled.
I register the control with "drop file on ml.ctl return dropEventValue".
Is this as designed in PxPlus V14 running as SCS?

Wish List / query program in *winproc classes
« on: May 13, 2019, 03:20:32 AM »
I would like to define a query program in the way of "_obj'querySomething()" like I can do it in the CTL value definitions.
Maybe a naming scheme makes sense.

Programming / scrollbars in multiline
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:47:04 AM »
Is there a way to display the scrollbars (v/h) only if needed?

Programming / error 0 while applying journal files
« on: April 23, 2019, 08:16:37 AM »
Now and then we encounter an error 0 while reading a journal:
** Error 0 on read of journal file:/u1/koss/data/jrnl/in/journal.735
That journal is in use for several hours, when the error occurs. What might be the reason for this?

Nomads / using code snippets for standard control definitions
« on: April 03, 2019, 11:04:13 AM »
This is how we create new controls with default definitions in nomads. We use Sublime 3.2, which is able of using code snippets. (In PSPad they are called clips.) These snippets are like macros plus some predefined replacement tokens. Upon execution of a snippet each replacement token can be substituted on the fly. The result is a text fragment, designed to speed up coding. We use this feature to create controls with several default values in nomads.

  • create a properly defined control in nomads and copy it to the clipboard
  • paste the clipboard content into an editor and make changes in order to save it as a code snippet (depending on the editor)
    This may start like this (keep the empty lines and everything else)
    PANEL       2537${1:<CONTROL>}




  • use such a code snippet and copy the whole text result to the clipboard
    the editor will ask for a substitution for ${1:<CONTROL>}
  • move to a panel and paste the control

That's a little bit long-winded, but it works and it is much faster than editing all the entrypoints one by one.

Programming / dropping files with umlauts
« on: March 27, 2019, 07:43:15 AM »
A user received a file with an "ö" (ouml) in his mail client. He saved it in the file system and dropped it from the explorer to a multiline on a PxPlus panel. The file can not be processed in any way, because PxPlus always throws an error 12.
All components correctly show an "ö", these are the mail client, Windows explorer, and Linux bash.
Reading the directory content with a PxPlus program returns that file with $6FCC88$ for the "ö" and the file can be opened by PxPlus. But the drop event (FIN(0,"DROPFILES")) returns $6FA8$ for the "ö", which causes error 12.
What characters set is used for the drop event?

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