Can Webster+ menu launch iNOMADS programs

Started by pwhirley, November 09, 2021, 09:59:56 PM

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I've got several programs that a customer has been running via iNOMADS for a while from a fairly ugly start page using some convoluted security.  While duplicating the system to a new customer, I started looking at Webster+ to be the front end and controller, giving better flexibility and built-in security.  The project is on a short timeline so I do not have the option of rewriting all the programs to work with REST.  I saw that Webster+ can use the TX=### so I thought, perhaps, that I can mix in iNOMADS with the new Webster programs while we, potentially, re-write what is necessary.  Is this possible?

Thanks - Phil

Philip Whirley
Ride the Lowcountry, LLC
Philip Whirley
Freelance software developer
Ride the Lowcountry, LLC

Mike King

Yes -- you can launch iNomads and in fact ANY URL can be included in a menu or side bar link.

One of our goals was that clients will start to use Webster+ to integrate with their iNomads application and longer term start moving portions of their application to Webster itself thus creating true web-based applications.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting


Thanks Mike.  That is what I had hoped to be able to do.  REST will work much better in the long run, but it's not trivial for some of our stuff.  I will carry on with my new plans.
Philip Whirley
Freelance software developer
Ride the Lowcountry, LLC


Hey Mike, when I create a Webster+ menu option and try to use URL to run an iNOMADS transaction, I am unable to do it.  If I have Webster+ installed to use port 8088, I am completely unable to run iNOMADS transaction on that instance of EZWeb.  I would expect to be able to do:  http://localhost:8088?txid=FEShipping, but that does not work.  It simply takes me to the Webster+ default page.  I can run that transaction if I use an EZWeb instance not tied to Webster+.   What is the secret for using an iNOMADS transaction from Webster+?  Do I have to have two separate EZWeb instances running?
Philip Whirley
Freelance software developer
Ride the Lowcountry, LLC


I believe that this question is answered.  Tino Vanholst has confirmed that I cannot use the Webster+ EZWeb instance to run iNOMADS transactions, but I can run a second EZWeb instance to process the iNOMADS.  If I start them both in background mode from the task scheduler using the same user account, they will apparently not take up two users.  This will suffice for my purposes. 
Philip Whirley
Freelance software developer
Ride the Lowcountry, LLC