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Language / PxPlus *browser patch level
Last post by Mike King - June 03, 2024, 08:04:53 AM
There is a significant alert for chrome and all chromium based browsers that has been reported with many companies requiring their users to update or delete Chrome immediately.

Can you advise if these corrections are included in the current *browser and if there will be a fix for prior versions of PxPlus.

For details on this issue see
Language / Re: Easiest way to create an X...
Last post by Mike Hatfield - June 02, 2024, 05:19:41 PM
Hi jane

I tried it, works well however I need to create XML for a specific EDI enabled provider.
They require the name tags on each element within the node.

I used the *obj/xml to create xml with specific name tags.
This works well for small XML string creation however I suspect the XML string it will create for my purpose will be too large for a call to handle.
What is the best way to create a large XML string?
It would be great if the obj/xml had a write to file option.
Language / Re: Easiest way to create an X...
Last post by Jane Raymond - May 31, 2024, 01:30:27 PM
Yes, there is way to do this if you're using PxPlus 2024, released last week.

Create a query to define the file(s) and fields. Then you can use the query definition in conjunction with the new *tools/qryexport utility to generate a Microsoft XML file that can be used to populate a spreadsheet. (It can also generate comma-separated (.csv), tab-delimited (.txt) and symbolic link (.slk) files.

Call "*tools/qryexport",queryName$,queryLib$,exportfile$[,queryopts$,show_flg$]

Here's more info on all the options:
Language / Easiest way to create an XML f...
Last post by Mike Hatfield - May 31, 2024, 01:22:48 AM
Hi All,

Is there a program or utility that can read file with a dictionary definition and Output it an XML file 
Nomads / Re: Library Query
Last post by Jane Raymond - May 30, 2024, 08:46:22 AM
Sorry I confused you by using %C$. The variable could have been anything.
I am happy that you got it all working.

Nomads / Re: Library Query
Last post by Mike Hatfield - May 29, 2024, 08:46:44 PM
Hi Jane,
Is there a reason why you chose %C and %S?
As I understand it, these two global variables are reserved and inbuilt into PxPlus and are also linked with ODBC as 'Session ID' and 'Company Code'.

We use %C and %S extensively throughout the dictionary in the file name expression for most of the application files.
EG "./comp"+%S$+"/APTR"+%C$

We set these two Globals in the application session startup, Local and WindX.
If we change the value of these in this program will it 'screw up' the normal operation of file access in the Dictionary in the current session or other sessions or separately in ODBC?

I decided not to use %C$ and %S$ just in case.

In my program I have set a variable %SEQN$=str(int(tim)*1000)
In the Dictionary the file NAME is "General Ledger Enquiry" and physical file is Expression "./WKFL"+%SEQN$
01010  CLOSE (8);
       LET FILECHAN=8;
       LET %SEQN$=STR(INT(TIM*1000));
01020  ERASE WORKFILE$,ERR=1030;
       GOTO 1020
01030  CALL "*dict/dd_updt;update_physical",ERR=9700,"General Ledger Enquiry","","",ERRMSG$

The Query file name is Fixed "General Ledger Enquiry"

Now my program works.
I think including FID(0) in the workfile name was causing a mismatch between the dictionary and the query.
Once I removed FID(0) it all worked.
How nice to 'waste' 1.5 days trying to do something that intuitively you knew should work but stymied by an intenal variable.  :(
Thank you for your input.
Nomads / Re: Library Query
Last post by Jane Raymond - May 29, 2024, 09:38:26 AM
To try to duplicate your situation I did the following:
   Created a file (smnfile01) and duplicated it in a second file (smnfile02), then changed some of the records in the second file so would have different data.
   Set %c$="01"
   Created a generic data dictionary entry (Generic sales person) using the expression "smnfile"+%c$ as my physical file and updated the file.
   Created a query using Fixed 'Generic sales person' as my physical file name. Added some fields and saved it.
   Ran the query and it showed the data from smnfile01. Correct.
   Set %c$="02"
   Ran the query and it showed the data from smnfile02. Correct.
   Tried changing the query so the physical file name was Expression "smnfile"+%c$
   Ran the query setting %c$="01" and %c$="02" and the both showed the correct data.

What you did and what I did look very similar, so I don't know why yours is not working unless the value of FID(0) is not what you're expecting.
Nomads / Re: Library Query
Last post by Mike Hatfield - May 29, 2024, 01:40:27 AM

I am currently FID T001
My Dictionary definition is "General Ledger Enquiry" and the file name is expression "./WKFL"+FID(0)
When I save the definition it creates the file WKFLT001
There is no data in the file yet.
Now comes the tricky part.....
If I now create the Query GLTR_QRY whilst still on T001....
I have the choice of using the Dictionary definition name or expression.
IF, I am on the same session, IE T001 the Query maintenance 'sees' the physical file whether I define the query as physical or expression and it will pop up the query screen with no data.
IF, I run my program whilst still on T001 the program ruins and the Query runs and all is good.
IF I now start a new session on T003 my program creates the workfile WKFLT003 and fills it with data (*dict/dd_update created the file).
At the end of the data generation the program PROCESSes the query GLTR_Qry
Unfortunately the Query fails because it thinks the source data file is WKFLT001 and not WKFLT003.
It seems to me that when Query goes to the Dictionary to get the real file name, Dictionary replies with the original physical name that was created directly by the dictionary.
In other words if the Dictionary and the Query use expression for the file name the Query always fails UNLESS the Dictionary Maintenance, Query and my program are all in the same session.

In other words using expression for the file name doesn't work when part of the expression is variable - eg FID(0)
Unfortunately, you can't define a query if it can't find the file that contains the data and its dictionary.

Nomads / Re: Library Query
Last post by Stéphane Devouard - May 28, 2024, 10:51:20 AM

The problem here is the inclusion of TCB(13) in the file name

TCB(13) is not a fixed value throughout your session. It varies depending how deep you are in the CALL stack.
In your main program it is 0.
In a subprogram called / performed from your main program it is 1.
In a sub-subprogram called / performed from your subprogram it is 2.

Doing a PROCESS of a panel or a query is like doing a CALL.
So if you created your temp file in your main program, it was named WKFLT0010.
If you PROCESS a query to read it, that's a CALL, so when the query runtime program tries to resolve the file name, it evaluates to WKFLT0011 which does not exist.

You need to change the way you name your WKFL files if you want to make this work.
Nomads / Re: Library Query
Last post by Jane Raymond - May 28, 2024, 08:39:57 AM
You want to create a query which uses a file whose name changes. The Physical File used by the query can be an expression set to the value of the current file name. It looks like the issue is setting that file name to a unique value that can be evaluated by the query.