T4 Parser

Started by edjack, February 01, 2021, 10:00:16 AM

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What validation parser can anyone recommend to use for validating a T4 XML file for CRA, in Canada?
Ed Jack

Mike King

Do you need to validate the format of the XML or just Parse it for processing?

If you just need to parse it then the *obj/xml object will likely provide what need.  It will parse the XML into a object node tree making for easy access from within PxPlus.  It also performs a basic form check (valid tags, etc..) and can create new XML from a XML object node tree.

If you need to validate against the DTD we would suggest a 3rd party tools such as rxp or xmlvalid both of which claim to validate against the source DTD definition (if accessible)
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com


I to validate the XML file using the Schema provided by CRA.
Ed Jack


Just for information...
We ended up using a utility called "XMLmind" XML editor.
This editor can validate T4 & T4A files for Revenue Canada submission; using the CRA SCHEMA files.
Ed Jack