Multiple NTHost Sessions

Started by yonman, November 22, 2019, 03:36:21 PM

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We have seen instances where two NTHost sessions are running on the same server, using the same installation folder, supporting active pxplus sessions.  We've confirmed that NTHOST can be launched under the 'administrator' account and under a standard user off the server console simultaneously.

We were under the impression that only 1 NTHost session can be running at a time. 

The message, "NTHost is already running" probably means that a session is already running under the same credentials that it was initially launched.

So, is there any benefit to having multiple NTHost sessions running?  Any conflicts or concerns?

Mike King

Sadly Windows does allow two processes to listen to the same port due to the way IPv6 / IPv4 are supported. 

Basically what is happening is the first instance listens for connections on the IPv4 port and the second on IPv6.  Technically this is legal although something that probably should not occur.

You should be able to get around this by disabling you IPv6 support (few servers actually need it) or adding IPV4ONLY to the TCP options.  There is no means to disable IPv4 connections while still supporting IPv6.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Neal McKinney

Does the same concept apply to CSHost as well?  I've seen multiple CSHOST sessions as well.

Neal McKinney
Atlanta, GA

Mike King

By default you can run any number of *plus/cs/host processes -- this can be done to improved performance by allowing process initialization to take place before the terminal actually connects.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting