PxPlus 2023 Projects

Started by Stéphane Devouard, May 25, 2023, 06:10:43 AM

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Stéphane Devouard

Up until PxPlus 2022, projects metadata were stored in KEYED files *plus/proj/wkids.dat and *plus/proj/wkseq.dat
A change had been made in recent years to allow those files to be LINK files pointing to another location to be able to retrieve projects when upgrading PxPlus
I understand PxPlus 2023 changed this to a more traditional way with a folder and a dedicated settings file (like package.json for NodeJS projects and composer.json for PHP projects)
This is great. But apparently it means that I have to re-create all the projects I had set up (not so many fortunately), since I copied the two LINK files from my pxp2022/lib/_plus/proj folder to the same location in my pxp2023 installation, and no automatic migration happened, I have only the "default" project in the IDE.
Again, not a big issue, just something that would be useful -- either an automatic process first time the project maintenance is opened, or an additional option to run once in the utility that was previously used to create the LINK files
My 0.02 €
Stéphane Devouard
Portfolio | Work

Stéphane Devouard

Nevemind, just spotted the little statement in the release notes. My bad. Sorry for the noise.
Stéphane Devouard
Portfolio | Work

Mike King

No problem,

We had a lot of discussions at this end as how to rework the projects information is the existing setup didn't take in things like WindX, shared PCS, and Linux very easily.  Hopefully the new approaches will solve this issue -- but as stated in the release notes there was no easy way for us to migrate existing settings so you need to re-define your projects.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com