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Messages - Jane Raymond

Language / Re: conversion failed?
June 21, 2019, 09:13:20 AM
If you can reproduce it, it would be great if you could go to our Helpdesk system at:

Create a ticket and for the issue and supply a before and after version of the file (with a few records) so we can duplicate the issue here.

This would be greatly appreciated.
Language / Re: conversion failed?
June 19, 2019, 02:02:50 PM
When you change the iolist as you have, the Update File process starts by offering you three update options:

  • Convert Existing data - This would rewrite your data based on the prior/new data dictionaries. You would lose the Typ and Marker fields, as well as their data
  • Clear existing data - This would purge the data from the file
  • Rewrite data dictionary only - This would rewrite the internal file dictionary, but not touch the data, so the old data would now align with the new fields.
Based on your results, it looks like option 3 was selected.
The likely cause of the behaviour you see is that the panels are using 'Full screen drag'.
If the custom title bar is defined with one of the Frame styles that has no caption, then there is no Windows caption bar, and therefore no way to move the panel around. Therefore the 'Full screen drag' option is turned on so the panel can be moved.
To avoid full screen drag, you must define the Frame style of the custom title bar panel as 'Thick border with caption' which will display the Windows caption bar which you can drag.
If you use the 'Default' frame style, the type is unknown so full screen drag is turned on even though the Windows caption bar may be displayed.
Programming / Re: error 88 with sizer buttons
February 08, 2019, 11:30:44 AM
First, the error 88 occurs because Sizer buttons support a very limited list of properties, including:

Second, with WindX you're in turbo mode, so not all errors are reported.
Programming / Re: SVN
January 10, 2019, 03:07:45 PM
The information you have supplied is not sufficient to determine what happened, as we don't know how you have set up your various directories or what responses you gave to the to the dialogues, or whether anything was actually imported into the repository.  I suggest that it would be better to address this through the Helpdesk.
Programming / Re: draw button as empty rectangle
January 10, 2019, 11:37:22 AM
The application of theme/visual class attributes to controls is rather entrenched in the Nomads logic. You would have to set up a number of variables (as if you had read a record from the screen library file), and then perform the *winproc.dfs program to get the new settings, then you would have to apply all the settings. I expect it would just be easier to use controls on a Nomads panel.
Programming / Re: draw button as empty rectangle
January 09, 2019, 11:20:43 AM
I expect you're looking for the 'border$ property:
Nomads / Re: Centering in a query
December 06, 2018, 10:27:25 AM
Sorry, Ed, but as I mentioned, this was added to PxPlus 2018. Your image is from a previous version.
Nomads / Re: Centering in a query
December 05, 2018, 01:59:45 PM
As of PxPlus 2018, you can align data in a query column as  Default, Left, Center and Right justification. The Default setting for text values is Left justification and Right justification for numeric values.

Select a column, and in the Column Option interface the Alignment setting is next to the column Width setting.

Wish List / Re: define query button bitmap by expression
November 15, 2018, 09:42:05 AM
We have already added the ability to specify either a fixed value or expression as the bitmap for an individual query in PxPlus 2019 (Version 16). This new feature extends to defining the query bitmap for a query assigned to a multi-line or a grid cell (in grid Presets). It is also available when creating a multi-line Data Class.
Nomads / Re: titlebar has impact on resize actions
November 15, 2018, 09:19:45 AM


  • Here is a quote from the Custom Title Bar Display section of the Custom Title Bars documentation:
    QuoteIf the standard Windows title bar is replaced using a caption-less frame style (see Frame Style above), certain Windows behaviours that are dependent on the caption bar will no longer be available or will be available in a different format. For example, the custom title bar will have no indication to show which panel is active, unlike the Windows caption bar that is dimmed when inactive. In addition, double-clicking the custom title bar will not maximize/restore the panel, nor will moving the panel against the top of the screen. Finally, moving the panel by clicking and dragging the Windows caption bar will be replaced by implementing full screen drag (see Full Screen Drag), which allows you to move the panel by clicking and dragging any blank area of the panel.
    Continue to use the Windows caption bar with your custom title bar to retain these features.
  • Depending on the type of frame is chosen for the title bar, Windows does not support re-sizing for all of them, so PxPlus had to add re-sizing logic to the right, bottom and corner edges to handle it. The sensitivity of the grabbing the edges to resize is slightly different, but is still there. If you use the Windows caption bar with your custom title bar it will retain the Windows resizing characteristics.
  • Maximizing PxPlus panels may not be exact, as the panels width and height are integral and are rounded to the nearest line/column. I found no difference in the size of the maximized panel whether it had a Windows caption or not, and whether it had a custom tool bar or not.

Nomads / Re: change caption using titlebars
November 08, 2018, 08:42:37 AM

If you have to PRINT 'CI', just do it prior to changing the caption so it doesn't swallow the -1109.

As for the merge-jumpto option, that is used for concurrent windows, and the Custom Title Bars documentation notes explicitly at the end of the Assigning Custom Title Bars section:

Important Note:
If a title bar has been assigned using any of the above methods, it will not be displayed on panels that:

  • Have been defined as Widgets,
  • Have Auto-Scroll Resizing set,
  • Are concurrent windows
  • Are not wide enough to display the title bar.
Nomads / Re: change caption using titlebars
November 06, 2018, 01:17:57 PM
I would not arbitrarily remove the 'ci' from statement 2473 in *winproc.
There is a Nomads variable called NO_FLUSH that you can set to 1 to avoid the buffer flush at 2473.
As of July 2018, if you are not a client of the Google Maps APIs Premium Plan, Google requires you to have a Google Maps API Key to do development using the Google Maps APIs. Without an API Key, the maps and their features are still functional, but the map display is darkened and displays a "For development purposes only" watermark. Also, a "This page can't load Google Maps correctly" message box is displayed. To display the maps cleanly, you must obtain an API Key from Google, and apply that key when using the PxPlus Google Maps interface.

For information about obtaining a Google Maps API Key, go here:
(Be sure to activate it for Maps and Routes.)

Once you have a key, you must apply it to the PxPlus Google Map interface. As of PxPlus 2018 Update 1, the PxPlus Google.Maps object has an APIkey$ property which you can set to do this. This can be set in one of two ways:

  • Set the APIkey$ property in the NOMADS map definition in the COM Control Properties interface. The API Key for each client will be different, so an expression would most likely be used to supply the value for the APIkey$ property.  This would have to be done for each map definition.
  • Leave the APIkey$ property blank in the map definition and simply load the %GoogleAPIkey$ variable with the API Key value prior to displaying any maps (such as in the START_UP program). The PxPlus Google.Maps object will retrieve the key value from this variable and set the APIkey$ property automatically without having to change any definitions or code.
Your maps should display cleanly once the API Key is in place.
Nomads / Re: change caption using titlebars
November 02, 2018, 10:37:58 AM
I'm sorry to say that I cannot duplicate what you are describing in v14 or v15.

I created a panel with Post_Display logic that does PRINT 'CAPTION'("new title"),
I process the panel using PROCESS "mypanel","mylib" and the title in the title bar changes.

I also created a panel using a Nomads object that does PRINT 'CAPTION'("new title") in the POSTLOAD() logic.
I instantiate the object and process the panel with myobj'Process(), and the title bar changes.

The way it works is this:
IF there is a title bar on the panel, the SignalCaptionChg option is set to -1109. This means that whenever a PRINT 'CAPTION'() is executed a CTL value of -1109 is generated.
When the -1109 CTL is detected, the new caption is retrieved using a MULTI_LINE READ 0, and the result is redrawn as a font image.
All of this should happen automatically if you have created a fonted text control called PX_TitleBar_Caption on your title bar.