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Messages - James Zukowski

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Nomads / Re: Resizing without Resizing
« on: February 21, 2023, 03:55:38 PM »
Looks pretty good, Mike!

The only thing is that it goes through the resize logic a second time, so it does a "double-take" when starting up.

Thanks for the idea!

Nomads / Resizing without Resizing
« on: February 21, 2023, 01:59:29 PM »
When we set up many of our panels, we set them as Resizable/Custom with the various controls anchored how we want them. Part of this is to ensure we don't have any (including a logo picture) trying to be set up beyond the edges. I've noticed that this essentially sets the minimum size of the panel based on the designed size. This only allows the user to make the panel larger, but not smaller.

Has anyone got an idea about how to set a small minimum size, but initialize the panel at a somewhat larger "default" size, which would allow the user to resize the panel larger or smaller?

Thanks, all!

Language / Re: Detecting Multi-Segment Split File
« on: February 06, 2023, 08:36:54 AM »
We're looking to segment the data by date, so the historical data doesn't need to be backed up all the time. We have existing embedded io routines that apply new data writes to other related files that are used for exporting to and updating other systems. These are defined by the base file name, not the segment's name.

Language / Re: Detecting Multi-Segment Split File
« on: February 02, 2023, 05:08:40 PM »
Thanks, but i don't know if that will help us...
Is there a way to determine if a file is a segment in a segmented file? That's what's being provided by the fin(lfa,"Filename") to our embedded io routine. We only need the base filename, not the actual segment name.

Language / Potential problem in multifile.pvc
« on: January 27, 2023, 06:08:13 PM »
While testing/preparing to use split files, I ran into a situation with an embedded io routine. In multifile.pvc, the Do_Pre_Write routine does its thing until it gets to:
Code: [Select]
if IoType=1 then write lock record (Chnl[_Found_chnl],key=_key$)_rec$ else write lock record (Chnl[_Found_chnl])_rec$
if and(_opt,64)=64 then gosub Extract_Update else extract release (lfa); gosub Extract_Free
Our embedded io routine does some post-write processing. This is called by the write lock record directive. It opens a reference file, reads it, then closes it. (There may also be some additional writing, based on results of this read.) Since _opt is 0, the next code line tries an extract release for lfa, but lfa was not the Chnl[_Found_chnl] in the write line. Changing lfa to Chnl[_Found_chnl] in the extract release line works fine in this situation.

However, there are other references to extracts and lfa elsewhere that I haven't gone through yet. These may be affected by post-read and post-write routines in embedded io routines.

Thought you'd like to know...

Language / Detecting Multi-Segment Split File
« on: January 27, 2023, 05:17:39 PM »
Is there a way to determine if a file is a multi-segment split file? We've got embedded io routines that do additional work based on a file's name. We're looking at splitting some of our larger files.
We would like to be able to parse out the base filename only, rather than have the full path and segment ID included. Being able to determine when to do the additional parsing work would certainly help.

Wish List / Re: Open Directory +INFO
« on: January 23, 2023, 11:41:11 AM »
This is for the online manual, and it's something that a lot of people probably don't know about but would find helpful. I probably should have save "cross-reference" instead of "link".

Wish List / Open Directory +INFO
« on: January 23, 2023, 09:59:35 AM »
Could there be a link in the documentation from the OPEN directive to the File Handling -> Processing Data Files -> Accessing Directory Files page, perhaps even to the Special Directory Processing paragraph...?

I use it enough to know what's there, but not enough to know exactly what is where.


Thin Client/WindX / Re: Automated Windx install
« on: November 14, 2022, 08:44:34 AM »
See also:
Silent Installation
here on the forum.

Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary File Sizing
« on: November 09, 2022, 11:53:10 AM »
That clears up a lot. Thanks.
I guess the same sort of applies to FLRs, though they're probably becoming rarer over time. (They seem to have the extra 'buffer' space, as well.)

Nomads / Re: Data Dictionary File Sizing
« on: November 09, 2022, 08:46:35 AM »
Thanks for the explanation.
So, when I define a Data Dictionary file that adds up to 140 bytes and the DD creates it with a Maximum Record Size of 384, it doesn't really mean that much, aside from my being able to throw a lot more data into the record than I originally intended before generating an error.

Nomads / Data Dictionary File Sizing
« on: November 08, 2022, 05:24:06 PM »
When the Data Dictionary creates a file, there is a rather significant "buffer" of extra record space added. Is there any particular reason the number is that large? Does it have any real effect on the space used by a VLR or EFF file's records?
More curiosity than anything else...

Language / Re: Window Size Maximums
« on: November 07, 2022, 04:13:38 PM »
I thought it would be something like that. We got the error with the 'window' mnemonic trying to create a 312-character wide window (3440/11 pixels). And yes, a lot of mice will need to be swept away...in due time...once we upgrade.

Language / Window Size Maximums
« on: November 07, 2022, 02:51:21 PM »
The current documentation lists the window size limits as 255 lines by 255 columns. The Release Notes for PxPlus 2021 (v18) state that (for NOMADS-oriented components) "Increased panel and control sizes to a width of 620 and height of 255 in all designers". We're currently on v15, and close to moving to v18. We just ran into a user with a monitor capable of 312 columns. The program has been patched to limit this to 255.

I presume the new window size limits are in effect for more than just NOMADS, and that we can address the larger monitors appropriately. However, I couldn't find any other documentation regarding those larger size limits. Could someone confirm that they are supported, or if this is a NOMADS-only implementation.

Thanks in advance!

Nomads / Re: Message/Status Bar Updates
« on: November 03, 2022, 09:05:45 AM »
Thanks for the reminder. We had used that at a previous job successfully. I had noticed that the existing code here was referencing segment 0, though it didn't need to. By defining segment 1 and using that, we should be able to do what we need, then reset it when done.

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