The input source can be any native PxPlus file with an embedded data dictionary, a PxPlus View, a Query Definition, or any other data source whose data can be accessed using a Custom Data Source Object. External databases, such as ODBC, Oracle or DB2, can also be accessed via Views or Data Dictionary defintions. So if you are not using a Data Dictionary, you could create a manual query to supply the data or a report writer Custom Data Source Object to supply the data.
The Report Writer does not have global variables and functions like *web/start_up. You pass values into the Report Writer using parameters.
If you are running a report interactively, you can use the default interactive parameter interface to enter parameter values. If the report is not interactive, you can enter the parameter values programmatically using the 'AcceptParameters() method.
The Report Writer does not have global variables and functions like *web/start_up. You pass values into the Report Writer using parameters.
If you are running a report interactively, you can use the default interactive parameter interface to enter parameter values. If the report is not interactive, you can enter the parameter values programmatically using the 'AcceptParameters() method.