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Messages - Jane Raymond

Programming / Re: REPORT WRITER
February 11, 2025, 09:13:24 AM
The input source can be any native PxPlus file with an embedded data dictionary, a PxPlus View, a Query Definition, or any other data source whose data can be accessed using a Custom Data Source Object. External databases, such as ODBC, Oracle or DB2, can also be accessed via Views or Data Dictionary defintions. So if you are not using a Data Dictionary, you could create a manual query to supply the data or a report writer Custom Data Source Object to supply the data.

The Report Writer does not have global variables and functions like *web/start_up. You pass values into the Report Writer using parameters.
If you are running a report interactively, you can use the default interactive parameter interface to enter parameter values. If the report is not interactive, you can enter the parameter values programmatically using the 'AcceptParameters() method.
Programming / Re: Calendar in grid input?
October 21, 2024, 10:26:25 AM
Here's a sample non-nomads program that creates a grid with cells that use a calendar query:
  GRID mygrid,@(20,12,40,10)
  mygrid'colno=1,mygrid'celltype$="lookup" ! can edit cell
  mygrid'colno=2,mygrid'celltype$="query" ! cannot edit cell
  OBTAIN (0,SIZ=1)'ME',*,'MN'
  IF CTL=-1999 OR CTL=4 \
  IF CTL=mygrid \
  THEN GRID READ mygrid,mycol,myrow,myVal$,myEOM$;
        IF mycol<3 AND myEOM$=$FF$ \
        THEN GOSUB Do_Calendar \
        ELSE MSGBOX myVal$,"Value" ! the EOM for the lookup/query button is $FF$
  PROCESS "Calendar","*win/calendar.en",myVal$
  GRID LOAD mygrid,mycol,myrow,myVal$+SEP
October 21, 2024, 09:04:26 AM
To HIDE/SHOW something on a panel, I find it easy to use Dependency Definitions:
A dependency definition will hide/show controls automatically based on a condition.
Note: To use a Dependency for fonted text you would first have to assign it to a group, and hide the group.
Programming / Re: Calendar in grid input?
October 17, 2024, 08:58:52 AM
Yes. In the grid presets set the Property to 'Query", set your Column and Row to specify the cells to be affected, and click the query button in the Value/Expression cell  to set the Query Display. The Query Type would be Panel, the library would be *win/calendar.* and the panel would be CALENDAR.
Nomads / Re: Report Writer key range
October 17, 2024, 08:52:45 AM
Yes, you can use static filters and parameters to set up the range. The report generating logic will analyze the key segment fields against the key fields used in the static filters to see if a reading range can be set up.
October 17, 2024, 08:44:30 AM
I'm not sure I follow. If the 'Multiple Selections' attribute is set for the list box, then all the rows selected will be highlighted automatically. (See example below.)
October 16, 2024, 09:26:09 AM
By default, list boxes require double clicks or Enter to select something. If it is doing a selection on a single click, then the Automatic (Signal all changes) attribute is set. You can filter as James suggested, where the single click is $01$.
An issue where Library Default FG/BG colors are not used in sub-panels has been reported and fixed for the next release.
We'll look into it.
I have responded to your ticket with a possible fix, but have not heard back from you. I just wanted to check with you since previously you did not receive the auto ticket response.
Language / Re: SVN Linux?
September 24, 2024, 01:22:47 PM
You can set up a Linus SVN server as Mike described earlier. That is where the repository would reside.

As for the clients using the repository on the server, each client would have their own sandbox on their own Windows machine. Each client would install the Tortoise SVN client on their Windows machine, as well as PxPLus and their application. This is where they would do their development. When the administrator completes this, they would import the application into the repository. The rest of the clients would then checkout the source from the repository.

So all development is done on each developer's own machine, then committed to the repository when done, where other developers can update their source/app directories from there. Since each developer has their own work area on their Windows computer, this is not really a WindX style set up.
Since this issue only happens on some queries, we will have to have more information about the query definition so we will know how it is set up. Also, what version of Pxplus are you using, and if these queries worked in the past, what version were you running them, etc. 
That being said, the best way to attack this issue is for you to create a helpdesk ticket at or  go to our website and go to the Client Hub/Support page to Open a New Ticket. This allows us to track the issue and more easily communicate with you.
Nomads / Re: Sort On Header Click / Row Height
June 18, 2024, 09:38:28 AM
Further on using REC(_MWR_IOL$), the result could contain some color mnemonics and/or additional fields, so for the next release I've added a special QUERY_ROW$ variable that contains just the current contents of a row with the mnemonics stripped. It can be used in selection criteria or as a return value.
Nomads / Re: Sort On Header Click / Row Height
June 07, 2024, 02:30:57 PM
Got it.
Take your querylist definition and change the Filter. Remove the Prefix settings and instead create a Test in the Selection Logic, something like:


This test will print the entire list if YOURVAR is blank, and if it's not it will look for the value in the data for the row which is found in REC(_MWR_IOL$).

REC(_MWR_IOL$) is somewhat esoteric, but looks like a value that would be useful for tests like this, so I'll create a new query variable containing its value for the next release.
Nomads / Re: Sort On Header Click / Row Height
June 07, 2024, 10:53:33 AM
If you just want to display the records whose keys start with the value of the multiline, I have an alternate way to do this that doesn't require any coding. It involves using the smart control feature.

  • First, create a querylist with the fields you want in the report view or grid control you want to load. Add a filter where you add a Prefix based on your key (Primary Key or 'Sort By' Key), where the Prefix is an Expression that is the name of the multiline that has the value to be matched. (Side note - due to my key def I had to UCS() this value for it to work.)
  • Second, make your control 'Smart'. In the Attributes properties, click the Smart Load button, check Use Smart Load Logic and select the querylist you just created as the Panel. Under Trigger Variables and Controls, add the multiline control to Selected Triggers. Click OK and you're done.
  • Disable your current program logic on the multiline that hides your rows, as this will not be needed.
  • Test the panel. When you enter a value in your multiline, the list should reload with just the records that match and the columns will be sortable.