Started by Jeffrey Ferreira, May 19, 2023, 03:10:48 PM

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Jeffrey Ferreira

Hi All,
if i make a long html tip inside of nomads it displays nice.
if i do it in code via the tip$ then i'm getting a vertical scroll bar (and the tip is not even that long).
i'm using version 16.20 .
does anyone know a way i can rid myself of this vertical scroll bar

Mike King

Can you provide details on what you are loading into the 'Tip$ property?
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Jeffrey Ferreira

Hi Mike
i was trying to mimic what the editor was doing so i did something like this

<p>Hinge Locations are measured from Top of Door</p>
<p>Hinge Location 1: 7-12</p>
<p>Hinge Location 2: 7-12</p>
<p>Hinge Location 3: 7-12</p>

and it put a scroll bar (this is a general summary of html...any how i changed it to just
put <br/> after each line and the scrolling stopped...but i would like to know if i did anything wrong.
i dont think i was exceeding a limit.

Mike King


Thanks but I tried this on my system here using 16.20 (and other releases) and I didn't get any scrollbar.  I tried both with $0d0a$ between each lin, $0a$ between each line, and nothing between the lines -- all worked.

Here is what I did.

->print x$
<p>Hinge Locations are measured from Top of Door</p>
<p>Hinge Location 1: 7-12</p>
<p>Hinge Location 2: 7-12</p>
<p>Hinge Location 3: 7-12</p>

->list_box 10,@(10,10,10,10),tip=x$

Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting