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Topics - Mike Hatfield

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Programming / CLEAR vs CLEAR Composite string
« on: May 15, 2019, 05:47:28 AM »
I know what CLEAR does to the program space.
I think the documentation is a bit ambiguous for CLEAR composite string
I can't see any difference in the two forms.
I interpreted CLEAR composite String to ONLY clear the Composite string but it CLEARS the stack as well

Both clear the for/next/gosub stack
Is this correct?
If so, what is the point of having a separate format 2?

Programming / Reading/parsing JSON data
« on: May 15, 2019, 02:12:35 AM »
This is the  JSON Data file supplied

 "Order ID": "000000034",
  "Grand Total": "6",
  "Sub Total": "5.45",
  "Shipping Method": "flatrate_flatrate",
  "Shipping Description": "Order below FIS value - freight to be advised",
  "Payment Method": "Bank Transfer Payment",
  "Billing Details": {
    "City": "Springfield Lakes",
    "Street": "Brisbane",
    "Post Code": "4064",
    "Telephone": "123456789",
    "RegionCode": "Queensland"
  "Shipping Details": {
    "Shipping City": "Springfield Lakes",
    "Shipping Street": "Brisbane",
    "Shipping Post Code": "4064",
    "Shipping Telephone": "123456789",
    "Shipping RegionCode": "Queensland"
  "Customer Details": {
    "First Name": "Test",
    "Last Name": "Maybray",
    "Email": "test234@maybray.com",
    "IP": "",
    "ID": "412"
  "Products": [
      "ID": "",
      "Name": "9\" x 7\" CLEAR BOOK COVER WITH COLOURED RETURNS - PACK OF 5 - BC97",
      "Type": "simple",
      "Qty": "1",
      "Price": "1.95"
      "ID": "",
      "Name": "SCRAPBOOK COVER - CLEAR - PACK OF 5 - SBC4934",
      "Type": "simple",
      "Qty": "1",
      "Price": "3.5"

My Code snippet below with json as read from file.
What am I doing wrong? How do I access the fields?
My task is to parse the file and create the order in the PxPlus application order file.

  OPEN (HFN,ISZ=10240)"/hit/temp/000000034.json"
 ! This  returns nothing at all

1}? jsonorder$
{"Order ID":"000000034","Grand Total":"6","Sub Total":"5.45","Shipping Method":"
flatrate_flatrate","Shipping Description":"Order below FIS value - freight to be
 advised","Payment Method":"Bank Transfer Payment","Billing Details":{"City":"Sp
ringfield Lakes","Street":"Brisbane","Post Code":"4064","Telephone":"123456789",
"RegionCode":"Queensland"},"Shipping Details":{"Shipping City":"Springfield Lake
s","Shipping Street":"Brisbane","Shipping Post Code":"4064","Shipping Telephone"
:"123456789","Shipping RegionCode":"Queensland"},"Customer Details":{"First Name
":"Test","Last Name":"Maybray","Email":"test234@maybray.com","IP":"
","ID":"412"},"Products":[{"ID":"","Name":"9\" x 7\" CLEAR BOOK COVER WITH COLOU
RED RETURNS - PACK OF 5 - BC97","Type":"simple","Qty":"1","Price":"1.95"},{"ID":
"","Name":"SCRAPBOOK COVER - CLEAR - PACK OF 5 - SBC4934","Type":"simple","Qty":

1}? morder${all}
00000003465.45flatrate_flatrateOrder below FIS value - freight to be advisedBank
 Transfer PaymentSpringfield LakesBrisbane4064123456789QueenslandSpringfield Lak
BOOK COVER - CLEAR - PACK OF 5 - SBC4934simple13.5

Thin Client/WindX / NTHOST Service on a Windows 10 PC
« on: May 12, 2019, 11:54:35 PM »
Hi All,
We have a reseller that has a number of end users that use a Windows 10 PC as the 'server' with NTHOST running as a service.
They report that when Windows does an automatic update they have to delete the service and re-install it.
I've not had heard of this.
Is there any feedback on this issue?

Programming / Starting pxplus in Windows Task Scheduler
« on: February 17, 2019, 03:01:46 AM »
I have a windows task setup to start a background instance of pxplus.exe
This task starts and runs as expected.

Task Editor:
In the Edit Action I have
Start a program
Program/Script F:\HIT\PVX\pxplus.exe

Add arguments  -BKG "f:\hit\prog\pp\ppemailformbg"

The task runs at startup and ppemailformbg runs OK.

I want to add some pxplus arguments the same as I would with the properties in a WindX shortcut

EG  -BKG "f:\hit\prog\pp\ppemailformbg -arg HI 17"

The whole Action line looks like F:\HIT\PVX\pxplus.exe -BKG "f:\hit\prog\pp\ppemailformbg -arg HI 17"

Now the task fails to start my program
So, the question is - How do I add the startup arguments when using the task scheduler?
This is Windows Server 2016

Wish List / PxPlus - WindX on IOS or Android
« on: January 23, 2019, 06:24:23 PM »
Is there a roadmap for including Simple Client or WindX, on an IOS or Android device?
We are regularly asked this question!
We have offered iNomads but the expense and difficulty of implementation is always the killer.

ODBC / PXPlus SQL ODBC Client Procedure
« on: January 14, 2019, 06:58:25 PM »
The operation of the client ODBC is different to the 5.20 version.
I open Excel - Blank Workbook - Select Data - Select Get Data - Select From other sources - Select From Microsoft Query
The Data source windows displays and I choose my Data Source
The next window to display is "PxPlus SQL ODBC Setup"
You can see from the screenshot it is not fully populated with dictionary and INI file.
Although these were entered and are editable in the ODBC setup utility.
I Click OK
I'm presented with the file tables and I choose a table and columns
After I've chosen all the columns and clicked through to the Excel window I'm presented with the 'PxPlus SQL ODBC Driver Setup' window again.
I click OK and the spreadsheet populates.

My question is: Why the seemingly superfluous ODBC setup windows?

ODBC / PxPlus SQL Server 6.10
« on: January 14, 2019, 01:20:49 AM »
I've downloaded and installed the current 6.10 release (August 2018) on our Server 2016  and WindX.
The ODBC driver setup window shows PRE-RELEASE on the bottom left.

Wish List / *WEB/FTP - TLS
« on: December 28, 2018, 12:44:59 AM »
We are finding that more hosting services are enforcing TLS for FTP

ODBC / ODBC 5.20 32bit
« on: December 18, 2018, 12:11:34 AM »
Hi All,

I am trying to install the ODBC 5.20 client on a windows 10 Pro 64 bit computer.
The server is running V14 (suite 2017 Upd1)
The desktops are all Windows Pro 64 bit version 17134
The 5.20 32 bit ODBC File Server is installed on the server.
Four desktops have the 5.20 32 bit ODBC driver installed and they work fine.
The fifth one is giving me a bucket load of grief.
I've tried installing the ODBC 5.20 32 bit as local admin, domain user and domain admin.
It installs OK but does NOT add the ODBC 32 bit setup to the start menu.
If I run the odbca32.exe from the Windows system32 folder and select ADD in either System DSN or User DSN it does NOT show the PxPlus ODBC driver (32bit)

Any suggestions?

Programming / GET_FILE_BOX WindX vs local desktop
« on: December 15, 2018, 12:49:03 AM »
Why does GET_FILE_BOX behave differently on a local Windows 10 Pro desktop vs WindX on the same desktop to Server 2016 NTHOST
Server and desktop are running V1410-001

IE on WindX GET_FILE_BOX displays a nomads list box and on the local desktop it displays File Explorer

This program code:

0010 BEGIN
0020 PRINT 'CS',
0200 GET_FILE_BOX PDIR$,PROOT$,"Choose Order File","Text Files|order*.TXT,"

On WindX displays a list box in the folder \hit\scandata with only the order*.TXT files
Which is what I want.

On local desktop line 200 drops straight through to next line. Weird!!
If I set PDIR$="" then on local desktop it displays File Explorer in the folder \HIT with ALL files.

What is going on?

Programming / GET_FILE_BOX
« on: December 14, 2018, 03:33:12 AM »
I'm selecting a file from a directory:
GET_FILE_BOX PDIR$,PROOT$,"Choose Order File","Text Files|order*.TXT,"

This is fine except I want to:
a - stop the user going back up the directory tree
b - suppress the 'new folder' button

how do I do this?

Digest links are not working anymore in my outlook 2016.
I can't comment on other mail clients.

Programming / *web/email is very slow
« on: September 18, 2018, 06:48:46 PM »
We have a relatively fast internet connection (80Mbit down and 28Mbit up), however it takes about 6 seconds for *web/email to generate and send the email.
This doesn't sound much until you are waiting at the screen for the process to complete.
I was thinking of setting the mail server argument to null and saving the generated email in the outlook/new folder and writing a background process to send the email.
If I do this, how do you then send the generated .eml file?


Programming / *web/email Outbox
« on: September 17, 2018, 08:22:25 PM »
I'm using Plus 14.10 Windows *web/email to send emails. I have set the erasit flag to 1 and am using the default *web/outbox location.
After sending an email Outbox is empty, Outbox/sent is empty but Outbox/new retains the sent emails.
The documentation says the email will remain until delivery status can be determined.
How does *web/email determine this.
The email server is mail.smtp2go.com

Language / PxPlus version for Server 2019
« on: September 14, 2018, 05:22:16 PM »
Which version(s) of Pxplus are or will be certified for server 2019?


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