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Messages - Mike King

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 [41] 42 43 ... 65
Programming / Re: Error 61 calling *winapi
« on: January 22, 2020, 02:26:10 PM »
Its quite common.  Sadly due to the environment we now live in we have to err on the side of safety which means we can no longer allow remote software to access/update the user machines without their explicit consent.

As always, a few bad apples spoil everything.

Programming / Re: Error 61 calling *winapi
« on: January 22, 2020, 01:32:18 PM »
Likely the user who installed WindX did not give you permission to execute a local call.

Due to changes in the industry and restrictions imposed by articles such as the GDPR in Europe and similar legislation elsewhere, we now have to ask permission of the end user to allow a server to run programs locally.

The most probable cause of the error 61 you are seeing is that when the user was asked, they enabled security (the default setting) and when then asked if it was okay to run a program locally they chose no.  The user will need to reset the security settings on their workstations by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-INSERT while running WindX or selecting the "Reset WindX Authorization" option from the system menu (ALT-SPACE)

Language / Re: Control CPU usage pxplus.exe or switch to another CPU-Core
« on: January 21, 2020, 08:16:08 AM »
When running PxPlus processes, each process can use use up to one “core” worth of CPU.  This is because the applications are generally written single threaded.  In order to take advantage of multiple cores you need to run multiple PxPlus processes.  On a four core system you would have to be running four CPU intensive processes in order to get to 100% system load.

Internally PxPlus itself does have some ability to use multiple threads and as such will use multiple cores when doing tasks such as network IO or database processing, but these tasks rarely consume much in the way of CPU time.  Physical disc IO is also done by the OS and will often be done in the other cores.

You should however be able to run multiple sessions on the system without any problems even when running a CPU intensive process.  If you cannot, it generally is due to application design such as locking files or other resources in one process that the other processes require access to.

Programming / Re: Generic Input
« on: January 20, 2020, 04:43:45 PM »
The EOM system variable contains the character/event signal that terminated that last OBTAIN.

The EOM you are seeing (0x00800064) indicates a CTL code 100 (Hex 64 is decimal 100, and the preamble of $0080$ indicates the CTL value follows).

So the OBTAIN was terminated by control 100 firing an on change event.

To see why the Multi-line signaled the on change event you need to test the EOM value (mode$) returned in the Multi_line read.

Wish List / Re: passing parameters to a panel
« on: January 17, 2020, 11:06:49 AM »
Rather than JSON why not just use an IOLIST?

Something like this:

   MyIolist$=CPL("IOLIST Client_ID$, Account$, Company$")
   PROCESS "Panel","Library",Args$, MyIolist$
! ...

Then in the Pre_Create logic for the panel:


Now if you want to pass the data back add the following to the wrapup of the panel:


And after the PROCESS statement in the caller:


This will allow you to pass not only ARG_nn$ values but actual variables by name.

Language / Re: OPEN [TCP] Timeout
« on: January 17, 2020, 10:50:05 AM »
There is no set timeout, it depends on the OS in use and network setup. 

For example if the IP address you are looking is not accessible, the routers/interface may return quickly.  It could also be that a firewall is actively refusing connections thus the error will return almost immediately.  The longest timeout is generally if the machine is reachable but nothing is listening on the port you are connecting to.

Generally the longest timeout on Linux and Windows is around 20 seconds, but again that can vary with the OS and I believe ALL OS'es do have a eventual timeout and its normally well under a minute.

When in doubt we always suggest putting a TIM= on the OPEN and ALL TCP communications.

Language / Re: Obtaining numerical IP Address
« on: January 15, 2020, 04:46:44 PM »
We don’t currently have a method in PxPlus to return the numeric IP address in either IPv4 or IPv6 format.

Nomads / Re: Multi line control (GOTO)
« on: January 11, 2020, 11:47:33 AM »
It is the same as a XXXXXX GOTO ... but will set focus to any type of control.  Also setting focus to 0 will set focus to window itself when dealing with mixed text/graphical applications.

You can also use SET_FOCUS READ var to determine which control has focus.

Language / Re: Accepting variable number of arguments in a function call
« on: January 09, 2020, 01:47:52 PM »
No -- we actually hit a bit of syntax issue with regards to this as a string array returns "A" and a numeric array returns "a".

Generally when we had a Read only element we returned the lower case (e.e. a Numeric element is "N" but if read only then its "n").

This posed a problem when it came to arrays and we didn't want to break anything.

Nomads / Re: Multi line control (GOTO)
« on: January 09, 2020, 11:12:20 AM »
Generally when using Nomads to set focus to a control you simply set NEXT_ID to the desired control XXXX.CTL value instead of using a "xxxxx Goto" or "Set_focus" directive. 

This is important in case the reason you got the change event was due to a field value being changed and the user pressing TAB.  If you simply change focus the TAB may still reside in the input queue thus the resultant focus may end up being the field after the control you tried to set focus to.

Setting NEXT_ID addresses this situation for both Nomads and iNomads.

If you MUST set focus try the SET_FOCUS directive instead of the MULTI_LINE GOTO.

Programming / Re: viewer display
« on: January 03, 2020, 01:16:04 PM »
I just tried with PxPlus version 9 and it worked.

Are you sure you aren't using ProvideX, and not PxPlus?  The ProvideX viewer did not have a PDF output option.

Also you likely should be upgrading, Version 9 itself is almost 10 years old and no longer supported.

Programming / Re: viewer display
« on: January 02, 2020, 02:01:02 PM »
What version of PxPlus are you running?

Programming / Re: viewer display
« on: December 30, 2019, 04:03:11 PM »
Okay -- so the viewer is running locally on the workstation.

Could you try

OPEN (nn) "[wdx]*pdf*;View"

This will use the PDF based viewer, creating the output as a PDF then launching the workstations PDF viewer (Adobe or EDGE) to display the result.

See if it has the same problem.

Also we suggest you forward this to our helpdesk for support if you continue to have trouble.

Programming / Re: viewer display
« on: December 30, 2019, 02:41:04 PM »
Which viewer are you using?

The PDF based viewer or the original *viewer*?

If not using the PDF viewer you might try switching to it by setting %PDF_DEFAULT$="Viewer".

If problem persists you might want to open a support ticket with us at http://helpdesk.pvxplus.com to get the issue resolved (assuming you are running a supported version of PxPlus).

Programming / Re: viewer display
« on: December 30, 2019, 08:40:13 AM »
Is it possible that you have an Escape sequence in your output?

Basically if you had ESC B R in your data this would enable the reverse output.

Have a look at the data being printed where the reverse output started.

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