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Calendar Objects in iNomads


Hello. I've tried to get input from PvxPlus about this for the past six months via the support ticket queue, so now I'm trying the Forum.

I created a very simple panel/multiline with a Calendar object, barebones because I'm trying to just get it to work. See attached.

The specific Calendar object's definition is in the other screenshot attachment.

When I test it in regular Nomads by selecting a date from the popup calendar, it returns a date.
When I test it in iNomads by clicking on a date in the calendar, it returns nothing.
If I use my arrow keys to navigate to a new date and hit Enter, it kicks me out.

Has anyone had any luck with the calendar objects in iNomads?

Postscript added later: We've tried this in v. 2020 (17.10) and 2021 (18.20).

Thanks in advance.

Paula McKeever
CAI Software LLC

I think the trick is to create a 'Calendar Control Definition' that doesn't use any separation characters, like 'YYYYMMDD' or 'MMDDYYYY' (instead of 'YYYY/MM/DD' and 'MM/DD/YYYY').

In the multiline that receives the date, you want to use an 'Input Mask' with separation characters (0000/00/00 or 00/00/0000 in my examples).

And the 'Initial Value' should be a true date, for example Expression DTE(0:"%Yl%Mz%Dz") or Expression DTE(0:"%Mz%Dz%Yl") - again without any separation characters. 

I've attached an example. Import 'calendar.txt' in a Nomads library.  Create the Calendar Control Definitions (all three) like shown in the pictures (same names and properties).

Should work in v15 up to v18.


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