Main Board > ODBC

Getting a View to Show ODBC


Jeffrey Ferreira:
Hi List,

I'm trying to start using Views to make complex file linking easier for our customers. I'm having trouble getting the Views to display in my ODBC DSN.  I see the views dll...i dont have that filled in...can someone give me some pointers.


Devon Austen:
From the docs:

Path to Views DLL
Path to pvxwin32.dll (Windows) or (UNIX/Linux). This is required by the PxPlus SQL ODBC Driver in order to use the Views system (PxPlus Version 5.10 or later).

The pvxwin32.dll is found in the PxPlus Install directory so an example value of the this field would be

C:\PVX Plus Technologies\PxPlus 2021 Upd 2\

we want the directory where it is found and not the [path to the DLL. So don't put the dll name in just the dir.

Jeffrey Ferreira:
Hi Devon,

Thank you that worked but my excel is locking up trying to query the View.
I tried it with another view that someone else created and I had same issue.
Small Views seem to work fine.
I think I might have to just make an interim file.

thanks for you help though.


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