Error 41 in _winproc.dsp

Started by GordDavey, January 22, 2021, 01:24:12 PM

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In PxPlus 17.10, I am getting an error 41 in _winproc.dsp, line 3826

Line is:
3826 if _OBJ_LISTBOX_TYPE$="L" then let n=1; if _OBJ_EXTENSION$<>"" then let n=num(_OBJ_EXTENSION$,1) end_if ; if pos("RowHeight="=_OBJ_PROPS$)=0 then if pos("M"=_OBJ_QRY_ATTR$) then let ID'rowheight=ID'rowheight*n else let ID'LinesPerRow=n

Line should be:
3826 if _OBJ_LISTBOX_TYPE$="L" then let n=1; if _OBJ_EXTENSION$<>"" then let n=max(1,num(_OBJ_EXTENSION$,1)) end_if ; if pos("RowHeight="=_OBJ_PROPS$)=0 then if pos("M"=_OBJ_QRY_ATTR$) then let ID'rowheight=ID'rowheight*n else let ID'LinesPerRow=n

An older panel the _OBJ_EXTENSION$ was = "0" and it would cause n=0 in this line, which would lead to an error message when the panel was first drawn. Wrapping it with a MAX(1,num(_OBJ_EXTENSION$,1)) resolves the issue.

Gord Davey <>
President - Avexware Corp.
Tel: +1 (519) 835-4322

Len Vassos

Thanks for the information Gord.
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.

Jane Raymond

This issue has been reported previously and fixed. The update is slated for the next release.
Jane Raymond
Software Developer
PVX Plus Technologies Ltd.