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Grid Control: Button click functionalities


Prajin P K:
Hi Team,
       We've added buttons on each row to perform delete, save, etc for each record on grid control. please help us provide solution to do those operations in class program(.PVC) while clicking on particular button.

Mike King:
One method  would be to add a Cell Logic to the grid in for the column which contains the button -- something like _obj'GridButtonClick(id.row) -- which should invoke the method and pass it the row.

Another is to test the values in id.row and id.column in the Grid on change method and based on the Column invoke whatever logic you want.  Something like:

  Function ChangeGrid_1()
  if id.column = 1 return _Obj'GridButtonClick(id.row) ! Column 1 is the button

Prajin P K:
Thank you mike


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