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Topics - GordDavey

Off Topic / Richter Software - Help Advice Needed
August 02, 2022, 02:07:54 PM
Hi All,

I am maintaining a 30 odd year old Richter & Associates "Sewn Package" for a customer, and I could really use some help from anyone who has a background in this package.

More specifically year end procedures / setup and change of year end from one month end to a different one. While I am fine modifying the software, I do not know much about the procedural side of the package. If one of you has a background in Richter software and can help, I will gladly pay you for some consulting time.

Gord Davey <>
Gord Davey Computing +1 (519) 835-4322
Nomads / Error 41 in _winproc.dsp
January 22, 2021, 01:24:12 PM
In PxPlus 17.10, I am getting an error 41 in _winproc.dsp, line 3826

Line is:
3826 if _OBJ_LISTBOX_TYPE$="L" then let n=1; if _OBJ_EXTENSION$<>"" then let n=num(_OBJ_EXTENSION$,1) end_if ; if pos("RowHeight="=_OBJ_PROPS$)=0 then if pos("M"=_OBJ_QRY_ATTR$) then let ID'rowheight=ID'rowheight*n else let ID'LinesPerRow=n

Line should be:
3826 if _OBJ_LISTBOX_TYPE$="L" then let n=1; if _OBJ_EXTENSION$<>"" then let n=max(1,num(_OBJ_EXTENSION$,1)) end_if ; if pos("RowHeight="=_OBJ_PROPS$)=0 then if pos("M"=_OBJ_QRY_ATTR$) then let ID'rowheight=ID'rowheight*n else let ID'LinesPerRow=n

An older panel the _OBJ_EXTENSION$ was = "0" and it would cause n=0 in this line, which would lead to an error message when the panel was first drawn. Wrapping it with a MAX(1,num(_OBJ_EXTENSION$,1)) resolves the issue.
