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Messages - Gilles

Language / *web/mail
October 14, 2021, 03:33:41 AM
We think there is a problem in this utility
At line 15: FAIL_CNT=0
At line 104 FAIL_CNT_CNT++
At line 105 IF RETRY_CNT<3 ....

Shouldn't it be
15   FAIL_CNT=0
104  FAIL_CNT++
105  IF FAIL_CNT<3 .....

Pvx+ up to V17 (V18 not tested)
Language / Re: Signal All Changes Multiline
April 20, 2021, 10:55:36 AM
Have you tried to check "Append text" of the multi-line?
Language / Re: SORT file
March 04, 2021, 03:28:17 PM
We tried this but there is a problem with the BSZ:

CREATE TABLE "/usr4/gg4",32,BSZ=8,SEP=$0A$
KEYED "/usr4/gg4",32,0,-1,BSZ=4,OPT="2",SEP=$0A$

CREATE TABLE "/usr4/gg4",32,BSZ=16,SEP=$0A$
KEYED "/usr4/gg4",32,0,-1,BSZ=4,OPT="2",SEP=$0A$

CREATE TABLE "/usr4/gg4",32,BSZ=20,SEP=$0A$
KEYED "/usr4/gg4",32,0,-1,BSZ=4,OPT="2",SEP=$0A$

Regardless of the BSZ specified on the CREATE TABLE directive, the result is BSZ=4, so 8 GB file size limit

The only solution to have a file who looks like a sort with a BSZ as you want  (and a record lenght to 1 !!) :

CREATE TABLE "/usr4/gg4",32,0,1,BSZ=16,SEP=$0A$
KEYED "/usr4/gg4",32,0,-1,BSZ=16,OPT="2",SEP=$0A$

If you don't specify the record lenght the BSZ is always 4, if you specify the record lenght to 0 it is alaways 256.
We have to specify a record lenght to 1 to have the BSZ to what you want, this is not a real SORT file (record lenght = 0)
Language / SORT file
March 04, 2021, 08:15:19 AM
Is there a way to have a sort file with size greater than 8 GB ?
We got an error 16 at this point.

SORT "/usr4/gg",32,SEP=$0A$
Language / Re: Dump
February 09, 2021, 09:49:52 AM
Thank you Mike, it's clearer now.
Language / Dump
February 09, 2021, 08:34:38 AM
We have an error handler in wich we do a dump * to a file

! ****************************
! Level=3
! PGN="/usr2/piecepgm/SOUCON3"
!  Statement......1745
!  GO SUB.........0300

What does mean GO SUB .....0300 ?
There is no Gosub to line 300 in this program.

Another one :

! ********************************
! Level=2
! PGN="/usr2/piecepgm/DEMREFETAI"
!  Statement......1120
!  FOR............0670

What does mean the FOR .....0670?
Language / Re: Event handling
January 15, 2021, 10:40:56 AM
Sure that helps
Thank you Stéphane
Language / Event handling
January 13, 2021, 08:42:25 AM
In the online Pxplus documentation at the bottom of "ON PROCESS EVENT" there is a link for Event Handling Interface wich does not work.
The error refers to
Where can we found documentation for this interface?
Language / Re: MySQL on Linux
December 01, 2020, 08:37:38 AM
I Stephane

I'm surprised by the size of your file.
What version of Linux?

Can you do:

$sudo updatedb
$ sudo locate
$ sudo file /home/steph/heron/pxplus/
Language / Re: @(X),@(Y)
June 22, 2020, 10:38:47 AM
Thank you Stéphane, that makes sense.
Language / @(X),@(Y)
June 22, 2020, 08:36:23 AM
Just by curiosity (this is an old Providex release 9.1)

PRINT (IMP)'FONT'("Arial",-12,"B"),'TEXT'(@X(0),@Y(L),@X(112),@Y(L),UCS(TITRE$),"L"),; L++
This line is running from Windx but causes an error 13 when running in background (cron on Linux)
To make it work in background, we have to modify like this:
24480 PRINT (IMP)'FONT'("Arial",-12,"B"),'TEXT'(@X(0,IMP),@Y(L,IMP),@X(112,IMP),@Y(L,IMP),UCS(TITRE$),"L"),; L++

IMP is *PDF*

Any idea?

Language / Web server
June 12, 2020, 09:41:36 AM
A customer have web services running thru Web server and he wants HTTPS.
In the "Editing configuration details" of the Web server documentation there is:

Secure [HTTPS]          Available in a future version.

When will this be available?
Language / Re: [EDO] V16.10
January 23, 2020, 04:34:39 AM
First of all, apologies :
I personally checked at the custumer's site and I found that error 61 occurs on the open and not on the write record.
So I did several tests :
v16 plugin connected to a v14 server, error 61 on the open [WDX][ADO]
v16 plugin connected to a v15 server, same error
v16 plugin connected to a v16 server, no error the request works

On my workstation, I have plugin v16 installed in C:\Pxp16

Connected to a v14 server OPEN CREATE(HFN) « [WDX]testfile » :error12
Connected to a v15 server the file is created in C:\Pxp16\windx
Connected to a v16 server the file is created in C:\Pxp16

Running a v16 plugin on a server not in v16 seems to be a problem.

Language / Re: [EDO] V16.10
January 22, 2020, 04:38:01 PM

OPEN CREATE (HFN) "[WDX]T_E_S_T_F_I_L_E" result in error 12

WRITE RECORD (LFO) "Hello world"
No error