Error=31 in file splitting

Started by Aart van Weelden, July 17, 2018, 09:32:34 AM

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Aart van Weelden

We received a error=31 when we are splitting a file with 631.500 records into 6 yearfiles.
PxPlus is hanging after that error.
Aart van Weelden
Astecom Business Software

Mike King

What version of PxPlus are you using also are you using the GUI or Text mode of the SplitFile routine to setup the file splitting?

BTW: An error 31 may be due to the memory limits you have set in your application.  Do you issue a START nnn to set the memory limit or take the defaults?

You may get around the problem by setting the 'SZ' system parameter to a larger number of setting 'IZ' to have the system ignore the limitation.  Note that setting IZ can cause OS problems should you have a run away process that take all OS memory.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting

Aart van Weelden

We use PxPlus V15 (2018) and we use the GUI within the data dictionary maintenance.
We have empty the year files and run our conversion program again and it works fine now.
In the same session we get the error=31 we became some errors 105. Perhaps that was the problem.
Thanks for the reaction.
Aart van Weelden
Astecom Business Software