ODBC 4.21 send me error not capable

Started by eldonfsr, December 24, 2022, 02:06:00 PM

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Hi i made configuration of DSN file and debug tested connection and sad connection success, but when try to use the driver form lazarus send a message driver not capable.... what is mean of that?

Also i install server and odbc 5.2  and run it, but how i can use client or odbc for example localhost because if i connect computer to different network the ip change so i have to setup the ip con client side......

Sorry for topic but documentation is very short and don't explain many things...


With lazarus is possible to access database information of PVX, In my case to connect to MAS90 i download and install lazarus 1.2.0 and connect to mas90, for now is great step now i working on config PVX server and ODBC to write on tables, if somebody got that please post your experience, i would like to work on pvx suite but not there to much manuals guide to read and follow step by step...

if somebody interested and test app i can send you by email...


Mike King

MAS90 (now sold as Sage 100) comes with its own ODBC driver included.  While the PxPlus ODBC driver can generally access their database you should use the interface provided with MAS90 to avoid potential problems.  Also the application installation will generally setup the ODBC.

As a general rue of thumb, most business applications do not want their database updated external of their application as incorrect updates can cause support problems as there is no guarantee that the updates fully adhere to the needs of the application logic.
Mike King
President - BBSysco Consulting
eMail: mike.king@bbsysco.com