accessing mySQL-DB

Started by Thomas Bock, March 13, 2024, 11:19:19 AM

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Thomas Bock

We encounter problems with a newer version of
PxPlus 20.10 is installed on a Linux server.
The program below runs with version 3.1.13 on a Linux server. With version 3.2.7 the result is empty and msg(-1) returns "MYSQL:0:".

dbOpt$ = "SERVER=my_server;USER=my_account;PASSWORD=my_password;DATETIME_CONVERT=N"
dbName$ = "[MYSQL]my_database;;"
channel = hfn
open (channel, OPT = dbOpt$, tim = 10) dbName$
query$ = "SELECT * FROM `myTable` limit 1"
write record (channel)query$
gosub buildPVXIOList
read record(channel,err=*next)sqlResultItem$
if tcb(2) {
print msg(err)
print msg(-1)
print ++c,": ",sqlResultItem$
until 0
close( channel)
local sqlIOL$    = ken(channel, ind = 3)
local pvxIOL$    = "IOLIST "
local separator$ = $$
local items      = pos(";" = sqlIOL$, 1, 0)
local counter    = 0
local virtual    = 0
fieldDefinition$ = arg(sqlIOL$, counter + 1, ";")
read data from fieldDefinition$, sep = "," to fieldName$, fieldType$
fieldName$  = tbl(nul(fieldName$), fieldName$, "_VIRTUAL" + str(++virtual))
pvxIOL$    += separator$ + fieldName$
if (mid(fieldType$, 1, 3) = "CHR") or (fieldType$ = "DATE") {
pvxIOL$ += "$"
separator$ = ","
until (++counter > items)
pvxIOL$ = sub(pvxIOL$, "-", "_")
dim sqlResultItem$ : cpl(pvxIOL$)

What needs to be done in order to work with then newer version?


I'm running CentOS8, my MariaDB library version is:

Your program codes works without an error in v20.10 (64-bit).

Thomas Bock

That's what I'm saying.
But the issue comes with version 3.2.7.


Can you tell me the Linux version that you are using (I assume it's the 64-bit version of both the OS and PxPlus) ?

Thomas Bock

The customer uses openSUSE Leap 15.5
We use a Gentoo and can reproduce the issue

Thomas Bock

Are there any new insights?


PvxPlus Technologies is looking into this.


A temporary work-around is to downgrade the mariadb3 package to version 3.1.13-3.30.1 - the PxPlus MYSQL interface works correctly with that version.