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Link File Extensions

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James Zukowski:
Got it.

Now... about pxplus.ini.

If I set up a .windx file, WindX looks for the pxplus.ini file in that directory, and will create it if it doesn't exist. However, once it actually determines which version of PxPlus to run, it doesn't look like it updates anything that may have been changed (window position, etc.), whether in the .windx file directory, or the ultimate pxplus.exe directory. When we set up a new client PC, we'll need to know where to drop our initial pxplus.ini file and know it will have any updates done properly.


James Zukowski:
One other thing I'm noticing:

While PxPlus seems to read the pxplus.ini file from the location of the .windx file, icon specification is inconsistent. The shortcut to the .windx file specifies our logo .ico file, which is in the local *lib/bmp folder. That is what we see on the shortcut. It is also what is specified in the pxplus.ini file, which appears on the window caption. However, when we create a dialogue with opt="i", we're getting a PxPlus icon (attached) on the Windows taskbar instead of our logo. Dropping opt="i" puts the correct logo on the caption and the taskbar.

We want to be sure the correct icon shows up whether we include it on the caption or not. Don't want the users confused. Any suggestions/insights?

James Zukowski:
Has anyone else seen this behavior with icons and .windx link files?


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