Nomads+ pointer tool

Started by Sebastiaan Fisscher, August 09, 2018, 06:31:37 AM

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Sebastiaan Fisscher

The Nomads+ interface style is pretty much the quickest and best way to completely restyle a panel, as well as THE way to create full hd panels. One of the things that is really hindering me in my work is the way the 'Group items' tool works.

The group items tool does exactly what it's supposed to do, it groups items and the selection process is pretty good. It doesn't matter where you start dragging the selection, it always does what you want it to do, until you want to select a single control.
Selecting a single control with the group items tool is a bit of a hassle, usually I tend to double click on a control to select it (double clicking draws the selecting lines and selects the control instantly). While doing so, Nomads expects that I want to edit the control via the properties window, though a lot of times I just want to move the control around.
Of course I can select the single control by dragging a selection, but I can't do that if there is another control behind it.
At the moment the way I do this is to quickly switch to a different control tool (for example the Button control tool). This way I can select a single control(I often forget I have it selected and end up drawing a massive button.).

The pointer tool however does exactly what I'd expect out of a selection tool.

The only thing the pointer tool is bad at is starting a selection on a control. It tends to select the control where you start dragging the selection, which can be annoying at times.
Could it be possible to get the best of both worlds in a new pointer/group items tool? The selection ability from the group items tool and the rest of the functionality that the pointer tool offers.
Also, the property sheets interface highlights the Pointer tool on startup, while the Nomads+ highlights the Button tool. From a usability standpoint it would be better to also highlight the Group items tool first. The tab order would be a possible issue here, maybe the button for the tool would have to be shifted to the left for it to be effective.


Would love this feature, could you please look into this?

Len Vassos

The pointer tool will be added to Nomads+ in PxPlus 2019
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.

Len Vassos

New pointer tool is now available in Nomads+ in PxPlus 2019. 
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.