PxPlus 2023 Online Update 0001 is now available

Started by Len Vassos, August 15, 2023, 02:26:53 PM

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Len Vassos

PxPlus 2023 Online Update 0001 is now available.  It consists of minor fixes, corrections and enhancements.

  • New Test buttons to test/verify defined links have been added to File Link Maintenance and File Links Express
The following areas were corrected.

  • File Links Express to allow for unique keys to be selected when defining file link relationships
  • Error 42 when scrolling on a concurrent panel with no active controls
  • The theme for a Query definition was being overwritten
  • Writing data using Excel and Word objects with Windx
  • Issue with dynamic images in NOMADS
  • Menu bar not resetting when using Window type panels
How to use the Online Update https://manual.pvxplus.com/page/Online%20Update.htm
PVX Plus Technologies, Ltd.