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Topics - Thomas Bock

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Programming / error 17 with empty json objects
« on: August 31, 2018, 04:34:39 AM »
A customer received an empty json object from a web service.
It is easy to reproduce the error:
Code: [Select]
json$="{'address':{}}"; rem RFC compliant
dim load arr$[all]=json$
Error #17: Invalid file type or contents

Language / distinguish errors 0
« on: August 30, 2018, 05:12:57 AM »
Accidently *optsel was called from a cron job, which caused an error 0 in line 260. Due to the nature of an error 0 our errorhandler tried to continue, which will never succeed.
The question is, if that error 0 can be dinstinguished somehow from an error 0 caused by lock/open/extract?

Programming / looking for a cancel request
« on: August 29, 2018, 08:29:07 AM »
During long processing we display a "Please wait ..." dialog with an optional cancel button. In many cases the working program logic resides much deeper in the call stack than the front end parts. So these programs have no clue of that button and therefore cannot look for a cancel request of the user.
Is there a way to manage a cancel request though (PxPlus V13 and V14)?

Wish List / modernize the documentation
« on: August 09, 2018, 02:37:23 AM »
We consider line numbers to be definitely outdated. That's why we configured the environment to throw error 85. That works great. But each new trainee stucks when he/she copies the samples from the documentation in order to learn the language. The young people have grown up with programming languages, which don't use line numbers. Explainig this concept requires the words in the past not later than in the 3rd sentence. As we're working today on programs that will run tomorrow, it seems neccessary to me to mention the old style in the documentation but to modernize the samples.
So, can you please remove the line number references in the samples?
... and please don't use "goto" any more as well.

Wish List / simple XML processing
« on: July 13, 2018, 05:27:56 AM »
It would be nice to have the same functionalities for XML as for JSon.
In most cases simple data structures must be processed. It is much easier to iterate over an array than to parse a XML file.

create XML from associative array
create associative array from XML

Wish List / gosub SOMEWHERE with a$=b$
« on: July 13, 2018, 04:36:26 AM »
I'd like to have a$ implicitly structured like b$ (iol and xfa) when passed to the subroutine.
This would avoid sequences like the following and put more focus on what to do rather than having to deal with the technical background. Perhaps the syntax can be tweaked for this.

local dim workAddr$ : iol(addr1$)
workAddr$ = addr1$
gosub ADDR_2_FILE
workAddr$ = addr2$
gosub ADDR_2_FILE

Programming / search installed Excel
« on: June 26, 2018, 01:38:07 AM »
Hello List ... oops ... Everyone

Currently we're looking for an installed Excel with
call "[LCL]*win/registry", err = *next, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "Excel.Application\CurVer", $$, dummy$

This doesn't work for an installed Excel-App.
Looking for a registered extension with
call "[LCL]*win/registry", err = *next, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT", "SystemFileAssociations\.xls\shellex", $$, dummy$
is not a possitive replacememt, because OpenOfficeCalc may have registered it.

Does someone know a way how to figure out an installed Excel-App?


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