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Topics - James Zukowski

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Programming / Radio Button Properties
« on: May 17, 2022, 11:42:18 AM »
Is there any way to obtain the properties for a specific entry in a Radio_Button group? For example, how could I determine whether RB.Ctl:3 is disabled or hidden?
We've got some older programs that will be updated in the future. When they're all done, we'd like to simply remove or hide the specific button that refers to those programs and have conditional references adjust the text accordingly.
Any ideas?

Nomads / Stretchable Embedded Panel on Folder Panel
« on: May 04, 2022, 01:42:52 PM »
We've got an embedded panel that I'm updating to be stretchable on our main panels. The stretching seems to work OK when running (design time doesn't show the stretch). The problem arises when we have a folder on the main panel. Instead of embedding the panel on the main panel, it's embedding on the folder.
Is this a problem, or am I doing something wrong?
Attached a couple of screen shots to show the difference. The only thing different is the Stretchable checkbox. This is all done in Test Mode from the designer.

Programming / Column scrolling in report list_box
« on: April 13, 2022, 09:58:19 AM »
Is there a way to ensure that a particular column is visible in a report-style list_box?
We've got list boxes with only about half the columns visible at a time. If we 'FindItemText$ to a column that is not visible, the line is highlighted, but the actual text can't be seen. This is especially confusing for users when that text appears more than once in the line.
There's a 'TopVisibleItem available for line-based visibility, but nothing I've found for columns. The closest is 'ColumnClicked, but that's read-only.
Thanks, all!

Nomads / Automatic Update to TitleBar Control
« on: March 25, 2022, 03:31:16 PM »
We've got a TitleBar that includes a Multi_Line for the current time. We're currently "manually" updating that at the end of a part of a process by assigning the Time$ and setting Refresh_Flg=1.
Does anyone know of a way to trigger a routine call for that variable/control to be automatically updated whenever the screen refresh logic is processed? (Don't want to use the Timer trigger.)


Nomads / Nomads Library Paths
« on: March 22, 2022, 09:12:22 AM »
Is there a simple way to have Nomads search multiple paths for a library? This would include a path not in the prefix.
What I had originally thought was something like:
Code: [Select]
process "MyPanel","MyLibrary",err=*next; goto It_Works
process "MyPanel","../nomlib/MyLibrary"
Unfortunately, this doesn't work as intended. If Nomads can't find the library using the language extension options, it bails out without taking the err=*next.
The other option I'm looking into is to simply try to open the library locally, then in the alternate path(s), until it's found and then use the result.
Any other suggestions?

Nomads / Picture in TitleBar
« on: March 10, 2022, 09:04:51 AM »
We've got a TitleBar doing pretty much what we want: multi_lines in different positions, etc. But we have a picture that we want centered left/right in the bar, and it's not happening. It doesn't move relative to the left edge. Are we missing something?

Off Topic / Wanted: PxPlus Programmer
« on: March 04, 2022, 03:50:24 PM »
If you are looking for a PxPlus programming position, PM me and I can provide more details.

Programming / Different Font sizes?
« on: March 02, 2022, 06:02:53 PM »
After our application starts, I've noticed that the Font reported with fin(0,"Font") [Lucida Console,-19] is different from the font listed on the WindX icon's font info [Lucida Console / Regular / 14]. Any idea what would cause this discrepancy? It seems to affect some of our Nomads panels.
All of the pvx.ini and pxplus.ini files I've seen on the server and my PC report no specific size, or a size of 19pt.

Thanks, all!

Off Topic / Experienced PxPlus Programmer/Analyst Available
« on: February 03, 2022, 12:09:23 PM »
After a little Thoroughbred with MAS90 over 30 years ago, I've been dealing with BBx, ProvideX, and a lot of PxPlus over the past 20+ years. Extensive experience with Infor FACTS, but also very knowledgeable with NOMADS and adaptable to home-grown systems, including conversions between languages and from CUI to GUI.

If you would like me to help fulfill your programming/analysis needs, please contact me via PM and we can see how we fit.

Programming / Opening Excel Workbook while open in *obj/excel
« on: November 17, 2021, 09:54:51 AM »
Is there a way to open an Excel workbook on a file channel while it's being processed with *obj/excel? I get an Error #12 even if the workbook is being accessed via 'OpenWorkbook().
Conversely, if I open the workbook as a file first, I can still get to it through *obj/excel. Which is OK, if the workbook already exists. But if I need to 'CreateWorkbook(), there's a bit of a problem.
This doesn't seem to be a problem if the workbook is opened directly in Excel.

Language / Program Size limitation?
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:10:34 PM »
We're still upgrading many of the program from our legacy system which uses explicit IOLISTs in the programs. As we update file definitions in Nomads, we also need to update some of these IOLISTs. To help, we've got a program that runs through the Nomads Data Dictionary and creates an IOLIST statement for the defined files, including non-normalized variants. These are loaded out to a line-numbered text file, then run through "*pg.cnv" to convert to a tokenized program.

Trying to run it today, I get an Error #19: Program size too large. The program itself is only about 74K. But is there a limit on the number of variables or the size of the variable table? From what I see, we've got about 3200 different variable names defined in the program (before it stopped accepting more). The program itself consists of !Comments and IOLISTs.

Any insights would be appreciated. Thank you!

Nomads / Enter Key in Grid
« on: September 16, 2021, 05:21:18 PM »
I've got a grid with all cells locked except for 2 non-adjacent columns. If I change a value and Tab out, it moves to the next cell. If I don't change the value and Tab or Enter, it moves to the next cell. But if I change a value and Enter out, it ALWAYS moves to the next control, not the next cell in the grid. I've set the 'TabMode and 'EnterMode properties' values to everything, but it's still the same.
Also, %Nomads'Enter_Tab=1.
Am I missing something? I'd like the Enter on a changed cell in a grid to work the same as a Tab.

I've got a file with a secondary key of:
PO_Date/d + PO_Num + Cust + ShipTo + Seq

I can read directly through the file with no problems. But if I want to grab the first entry in a group and skip the rest of the Seq values, I issue:
read (F,key=PO_Date$:PO_Num$:Cust$:ShipTo$:$FF$)

It always goes to the end of file at this point. The file is created properly, with the first field descending and the remaining ascending. Am I missing something?

Thanks, all!

Nomads / Data Dictionary - Field Counts and Arrays (Occurs)
« on: June 07, 2021, 03:54:19 PM »
When defining arrays in the Data Dictionary, the field "number" on the main grid doesn't reflect the number of entries in the array (it only counts 1), whereas a single variable with multiple fields will adjust the count for all of them. When printing the formats, however, the field count is represented properly in both cases.

I'm thinking this is just an oversight, but wanted to be sure I'm not missing something.

Thank you!

Language / CREATE FILE from *memory*
« on: April 15, 2021, 12:00:27 PM »
I'm creating a temporary text file so it can be completely done before dropping it into the final destination directory for export. This time, I'm printing the lines to a *memory* file. However, when I try:

create file OFile$ from (OFile)

to create the disk file from the memory file, it throws Error #13. Is this appropriate? Do I have to create a REAL file to be copied?

Thanks in advance!

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