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Messages - Allen Miglore

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Programming / Re: QR codes
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:45:50 AM »
Devon, is that utility documented?  I don't see it in the pxplus manual.

Programming / Re: QR codes
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:16:11 AM »
We use Tec-It's tbarcode/x software for all barcodes including QR. It's a commercial tool, with both Windows and Linux (and AIX) support, and it has licenses that fit our needs for redistribution.  There may well be free or open source tools, or platform-specific tools, that are less expensive.  I would search for alternatives online depending on your needs.  Here is the tec-it.com page about their offerings:


Programming / Re: *web/email is very slow
« on: September 18, 2018, 07:48:09 PM »
How about a background process to run *web/email?

Programming / Re: looking for a cancel request
« on: August 29, 2018, 08:57:49 AM »
You could set/monitor a global variable (%canceled=1) or gbl value (gbl("canceled",err=*next)="1").   Or if multiple processes, you could set/monitor a file or key in a file.

Programming / Re: Windx connection fails to execute Linux program
« on: August 09, 2018, 07:37:41 PM »
How about sys("dv 2>/some/errorfile")?

I'm amazed DoubleVision is still available.  I'd be more amazed if it could tap into a WindX connection and do anything meaningful with it, unless it's become a graphical tool.  They used to just map character mode devices, depending on the server side to just be sending out ansi or similar terminal escape sequences.  WindX has its own protocol for transmission (just think about those FIN packets mentioned earlier).

What about using web meeting software, like teamviewer or gotomeeting?

Programming / Re: Very Slow Program LOAD
« on: August 09, 2018, 11:09:44 AM »
Lawrence, you mentioned you use FIN() for quite a few values.  Are you setting a variable to it once, and using the variable for those queries?  On a wide area network like this you'll have much higher transit times and latency than on a local network, so those calls to FIN will be expensive.

Programming / Re: Very Slow Program LOAD
« on: August 08, 2018, 04:38:04 PM »
The emulator would just be loading into server memory.  Windx would be loading it across the network.

Does turbo mode help ('TU' parameter)?

Curl will write the whole web server response body to stdout.  It will append the --write-out data to that.  So to get the status code you can just read everything to the end:

0010 LET CMD$="|curl --silent --write-out ""\n%{http_code}\n"" http://gmail.com0010:/"
0030 WHILE 1
0050 WEND
0060 CLOSE (LFO)

This produces "301", which is the redirect status code given by that url.

You can capture stdout from a pipeline by opening it with a pipe prefix (i.e. open(unt)"|curl ..."; read(lfo)response$; close(lfo).

Curl sends some things to stderr, so to capture those from a pipe you'd want to add 2>&1 to the end of the pipe command.  You should also be able to write output to files and then read the files when the command is done.  You might then just use invoke instead of a pipe.

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